Recent content by Laureline

  1. Laureline

    Giveaway Liz's New Horizon Giveaway - CLOSED!

    Hello! May I order these? wig with ribbon in every color cosmos shower recipe glowing moss forest wall Thank you ^.^
  2. Laureline

    Giveaway Furniture, Clothes, DIYs, Free Crafting, and More!

    Sure, I’ll send the dodo code via pm.
  3. Laureline

    Giveaway Furniture, Clothes, DIYs, Free Crafting, and More!

    1tbt sounds good. I’ll be off and on today, but I’m sure we can trade today.
  4. Laureline

    Giveaway Furniture, Clothes, DIYs, Free Crafting, and More!

    I have the following diys for you: Blue rose crown Barbell Cherry-blossom pond stone Mush table Medium cardboard boxes Outdoor picnic set Tulip wand
  5. Laureline

    Buying Looking for DIYs - also have extra DIYs to giveaway - UPDATED

    Unfortunately I don’t have any of the diy’s you want. But I could help take some of the extra diy’s you have off your hands. If that’s alright. Glowing moss pond Glowing moss flooring Thumbprint jam cookies Vine garland Vine Hanging chair Wooden knot wall
  6. Laureline

    Giveaway CLOSED

    May I have these: Glowing moss jar recipe, cloud flooring, magic circle flooring and colorful juice? :)
  7. Laureline

    Giveaway [CLOSED] Free 2.0 Update Items Cataloging [Shell’s Catalog Pit]

    Hello, would love to catalog. Willow of Lilac Isle. Dried fruit is my favorite sweet. Especially dried mango, absolutely love mangos.
  8. Laureline

    Shop ~ Cheap TBT Shop ~ 400 NMTs per 100 TBT, Material Stacks (4 TBT each), Framed Photos, DIYs, Statues, Models, Gulliver, Fish Bait

    Late reply sorry about that. I’ll be available pretty much all day today :)
  9. Laureline

    Giveaway Hybrids~ Closing May 7th

    Yeah sure, just let me know when you’re available.
  10. Laureline

    Giveaway Hybrids~ Closing May 7th

    Unfortunately what I have listed is all I have to give.
  11. Laureline

    Giveaway Hybrids~ Closing May 7th

    Purple of which flower?
  12. Laureline

    Buying Buying or Trading DIY’s

    I do still need those! let me know when we can trade ^^