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Are you in love? šŸ’–šŸ’ž

Are you in love? šŸ’ž

  • I am in love

    Votes: 40 47.1%
  • I have been in love, but I'm not currently

    Votes: 12 14.1%
  • I've never been in love

    Votes: 11 12.9%
  • I'm not interested in finding love

    Votes: 10 11.8%
  • Something else

    Votes: 12 14.1%

  • Total voters
Nevermind, would rather not comment. Just going to say that it's complicated.
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I'm not in love and I'm not interested either. I'm not very confortable with people and it takes me years to get used to a new person...and again. Just thinking about it gives me headache, fatigue and stress. I wouldn't be interesting for another person either because they would never be my priority. I would always choose my pet over them so... :p I'm selfish, not demonstrative (unless it's a pet), and I need a lot of time alone...and I'm not good at guessing what other people want/think. etc etc...I mean, don't even have friends for those reasons.
The only people who could stand me were like me.
Romantic love is not something I even wanted, I find it cute when it happens to others but I don't have any desire for those relationships. I don't feel lonely either, it's sure that it's fun to have people around with whom you can share your hobbies or passions but it's hard to find.
I believe I have been in love before, but it tends to be a very rare occurrence for me. I voted not interested in finding love, but I'm open to the opportunity if it comes my way. However, I'm not actively searching so it's pretty unlikely. I'm very independent and like my own space which really puts me off finding anyone.
No haha having broken up recently.

Some days I miss having someone there. Metaphorically itā€™s kind of like having a phantom limb.

Itā€™s much more practical that Iā€™m single right now and Iā€™m just not in a position for anything but, yeah. Even aside from practicality it just isnā€™t easy.

I find it really hard to be attracted to anyone and the only time I was going to ask someone out myself it took a year of knowing them (then I ended up in my relationship, and the other person I was interested in turned out to be awful). I just donā€™t get crushes on people I donā€™t know, distant aesthetic appreciation at best etc.

To be honest Iā€™d rather not feel the urge for romance, it would be a lot easier. If you ever had a day you just didnā€™t want to deal with people but still got lonely and had the urge to hang around people then itā€™s sort of like that. I donā€™t really want the trouble that comes with love but I feel the urge for it. And itā€™s a shame too, I feel like it could be realistically navigated and work and stuff butā€¦ I guess I kinda get bored and have commitment issues anyway. I also do want to be intimate very much, very important for me. But full commitment, I have problems man. I donā€™t even know how to put them.
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Yes.. I love him very much ;w; I know he loves me, too..

It's kinda complicated but I've never loved anybody more (in a romantic way) in my entire life T^T
Iā€™ve been talking to someone online and weā€™ve met a couple times. Iā€™m not sure where things are going and Iā€™m okay if we stay as friends.
I was. She and I broke off though in early November, due to an accident.
I was devastated and heartbroken when it happened, my mental health was in a horrible place for two months. Even today, I'm still haunted by what happened.
Yes. I've been with my girlfriend a couple of years now. We moved in together a year ago.

I've dated extensively over the past ~18 years, with both short-term and long-term relationships in there and exploring a variety of vastly different people and dynamics, and I've come to find that the relationship I'm in right now is perfect for me. We are very much in a queer relationship, and there are some other non-traditional aspects in there that this isn't the right place to go into, but it feels right. I love this woman and I love the home and life we continue to build together.
Iā€™m not, nor do I think that Iā€™ve ever been in love. Iā€™ve had crushes on people and have been in relationships, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been in love with any of them.

Iā€™m not opposed to being in love or in a relationship one day at all. Love is one of the purest, most beautiful things in the world, and I would love to experience the romantic kind for myself one day if I meet the right person (or if things align with someone in my life already, who knows). Itā€™s just not a priority for me right now, or even something that Iā€™m looking for. Thereā€™s a lot that I need to learn and so much of myself that Iā€™m still trying to figure out. I want to be able to enrich my partnerā€™s life and bring good things to the table, hopefully like they would do for me, and I canā€™t do that right now. I want to continue working on myself and getting myself to a place in life that I like, am happy in, and proud of, and if love is on the table then, then I will happily have it.

I just want to love myself and my life first, yā€™know?

Oh man, how things have changed since I last posted in hereā€¦ šŸ„¹ā¤ļø

My best friend of almost 7 years and I made it official on Friday! He is officially not only my best friend, but my boyfriend! I never, ever thought that I would get to have this with him, and I am still so over the moon and in complete disbelief that I get to call him mine now!

We met through social media when we were both 15 in the summer of 2017, and we immediately hit it off! He has been my closest and most dearest friend for almost 7 years now, and I am so beyond grateful for him. He was with me through me changing my name, my grandmother passing, losing Zeva and my 2 kittens, graduating high school, and everything else (good and bad) thatā€™s happened in the past 7 years. We have seen each other through so much, and have changed as people so much, but one thing that hasnā€™t changed is our love for each other. We arenā€™t able to talk as much as weā€™d like to due to his work schedule, our mental healths etc, but he still means the absolute world to me.

I hadnā€™t talked to anyone about this because I didnā€™t know how to, but I also had the biggest crush on him. I started developing feelings for him during our first year of friendship, and they just continued to grow bigger over the years. We both dated different people, talked to each other about it, but it never felt right with any of my partners. I just thought it was because I wasnā€™t getting what I needed out of my relationships with them, or maybe I just wasnā€™t interested in love and dating in general, too used to being by myself. But as time went on, I started to think that maybe it never felt right with any of my past partners, and maybe I wasnā€™t interested in anyone else, because none of them were him. None of them made me feel as comfortable as he does, I didnā€™t feel like I could be myself like I can be with him with any of them.

My guy and I have talked about having a future together for years, but we always talked about it like we were joking. I was never joking, but I didnā€™t want to come across as serious in case he wasnā€™t. Weā€™ve talked about getting married, living in an apartment together with our cats, and enjoying doing the simplest, most mundane things together because weā€™d be together. Heā€™s literally that one quote from EEAAO for me. ā¤ļø


When we were playing New Horizons together on Thursday/Friday, we started talking about our future again. We talked about how we want an outdoor wedding in fall, and how fun itā€™d be to try on dresses together, do our wedding cake tasting together, go on our honeymoon somewhere tropical. And normally weā€™d both just laugh it off, but I was feeling brave, so I justā€¦ shoot my shot, and told him how I felt.

And somehow, for some reason, he felt the same way. šŸ˜­ He was in the same boat as I was, laughing off our talks about our future so that he wouldnā€™t scare me off if I didnā€™t feel the same. Heā€™s talked about his feelings for me to his family, his friends, his co-workers. He has a whole playlist of songs that remind him of me!!! Thereā€™s literally so much more that I could say, but Iā€™m just so excited to see what the future holds for us!

There is of course still so much that I need to learn and figure out for myself, but Iā€™ve been taking strides to getting closer to being in a place in life where Iā€™m happier and more self-sufficient. I still have so much progress to make, but Iā€™m so happy I get to make it with him by my side. :ā€™)

Also in my original post, when I said ā€œor if things align with someone in my life already, who knowsā€, I was straight up talking about him LOL
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No, I've only had crushes of varying levels of obsessiveness and instability because of my C-PTSD. Being in love is supposed to be a mostly stable feeling and I've just never had that, especially as I've gotten older. Most of the last several crushes I had after the first few weeks were so intense that I was deeply anxious, had a deep sense of abandonment, and was upset most of the time unless I got enough attention from them that day. The fact I've never been in a real relationship because I either didn't know what to say to the person who seemed interested or I unintentionally did something that made them lose interest doesn't help. I'm glad I'm not currently crushing on anyone now and just feel content having friends because it's easier. I like having an established definition to what my connection to someone is and not having the internal will they/won't they play endlessly in my head.