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The Four Seasons of Tanglewood

New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Senior Member
May 14, 2020
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Tasty Cake
The Four Seasons of Tanglewood:

Come join the Seasons as they seek to make the deserted island of Tanglewood their home.

Winter, the Eldest of the Seasons arrived in Tanglewood's quaint village, bringing a chill to the island. His snowy presence transformed the landscape, coating the trees and houses in a sparkling blanket of white. The villagers bundled up in warm coats and scarves, eagerly awaiting the seasonal festivities.

As the days passed, the islanders sensed a change in the air, signaling the imminent arrival of Spring. With the melting snow, vibrant flowers bloomed, and his lively sister named Petal joined Tanglewood. She brought a burst of color and cheer, organizing flower festivals and encouraging the villagers to embrace the rejuvenating spirit of spring.

With the onset of summer, Little Sunbeam their youngest brother became the talk of the town. His sunny disposition and love for outdoor activities brought energy to Tanglewood. Residents enjoyed beach parties, fishing tournaments, and island-wide celebrations, all under the warm glow of the summer sun.

As the days grew shorter, the villagers anticipated the arrival of Aunt Autumn. She gracefully strolled into Tanglewood, adorned in warm red, orange, and gold hues. Aunt Autumn organized harvest festivals, pumpkin carving contests, and cozy gatherings around bonfires, capturing the season's essence.

The islanders lived harmoniously through the changing seasons, each character lastingly impacting Tanglewood. The Four Seasons of Tanglewood became a cherished tale, passed down through generations, reminding everyone of the beauty and unity of nature's ever-changing cycle.
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The Residents of Tanglewood:

Of the Four Seasons:
1. Winter
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Winter is known as the eldest of the four seasons. He is the embodiment of the season's chill and enchantment. With a frosty demeanor and a heartwarming touch, he arrived on the shores of Tanglewood through the Getaway Package. Winter is a master at turning landscapes into snowy masterpieces, bringing a serene beauty to the island.

2. Petal - Coming this March
Petal, the embodiment of Sister Spring, is a vibrant and cheerful addition to the idyllic village of Tanglewood. She arrived on the island as part of the Getaway Package, bringing with her the lively spirit of the blooming season. With a perpetual spring in her step, Petal has a knack for turning every day into a celebration of nature's rebirth.

3. Little Sunbeam - Coming this June
Little Sunbeam, a radiant character embodying the spirit of summer, arrived on the shores of Tanglewood through the Getaway Package. With a perpetual smile and a love for the great outdoors, Sunbeam is a beacon of warmth and energy in the island community.

4. Aunt Autumn - Coming this September
Aunt Autumn, the embodiment of the fall season, gracefully arrived on the shores of Tanglewood through the Getaway Package. With a warm and nurturing spirit, she brings a touch of coziness and nostalgia to the island community.

Of the Villagers:

Fuchsia - The Sisterly Deer
Flip - The Jock Monkey
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December 31, 2023
It all started that faithful day. The day that I won the getaway package through Nook Inc. The day that everything changed. My name is Winter by the way. I am the eldest brother of Petal and Sunbeam, Autumn is my Aunt. You might have heard of us before, we are collectively known as the Four Seasons. For years we have resided in the ethereal realm of the Seasonal Nexus. This magical place existed beyond the bounds of time and space, serving as the harmonious center where each season had its unique domain.
However, a longing for new experiences and a desire to share their magic led me to embark on a journey to find a place where we could create tangible connections with the world and its inhabitants. That's when I discovered the getaway package and Tanglewood, an island with a heart open to the changing rhythms of nature.

So I set out to prepare the way for my family. So far the villagers have welcomed me with open arms. I remember them showing us a brief glimpse at what island life could bring us. I remember even better at the first look at the island as we flew overhead. Untouched snow glistened and covered everything.

There were only five of us on the plane to Tanglewood that day. A pair of raccoon twins named Timmy and Tommy who were to be our guides and help us get settled, a pink deer named Fuchsia who kind of reminded me of my sister a little bit, and an orange monkey named Flip, who talked about looking forward to being able to work out in a place full of fresh air. The twin's uncle Tom was the one who had arranged everything and had some supplies for everyone set up at the resident center, where we were to meet up with him. So I set out to prepare the way for my family.


We were busy the moment we got there, not only did I have to find a spot and set up my tent, but together with Flip, Fuchsia, Timmy, Tommy, and Tom we cleaned up resident services, gathered sticks to make a bonfire, and pears to make a delicious pear juice for our first night on the island. The villagers seemed to have welcomed me with open arms. For which I am glad.

As I explored the island that day, I couldn't help but notice the potential for enchantment. The day culminated in a festive gathering at Resident Services, where a cozy bonfire crackled, and villagers shared stories of winter's past. I looked forward to creating lasting memories in his new island home.


Little did they know that this was just the beginning of a magical journey through the Four Seasons of Tanglewood.
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January 01, 2024
After a rather lengthy talk with Tom, about how to pay off the getaway package debt (I knew I should have read the fine print when I signed up, there was nothing about a fee in the application....) I was free to start my new life here in Tanglewood. I was eager to share some winter activities such as snowflake catching, and ice sculpting with my fellow villagers. As I was contemplating what to do first. I was suddenly interrupted by a very loud yet familiar voice over a loudspeaker that led me to Resident Services, to see Mr. Tom again announcing the loudspeakers.

Every day, he would be doing an island-wide broadcast to update us on the going-ons on the island. Today's news was that the Tanglewood Airport was open for business. They had refueled and got their paperwork all finished. I would need to stop back by and check out the services they had to offer later on. Back at my house, I was startled to notice that I had received mail already.​

Two letters to be exact, one from my mom, you would know her as Mother Earth. She was talking about how she was waving at planes all day after she took me to the airport. She also sent me three fresh apples, as she was always quite fond of the phrase and apple a day keeps the doctor away. Oh Mom, never change. The other was from some Company called Nintendo, which I never heard of before, but I will take that DIY recipe for a workbench.​

Afterward, I headed to the beach to take a picture of my first sunrise on the island. I always loved to take sunrise or sunset pictures, my photo albums back home are full of them, I suppose I can start the tradition fresh here on the island.​

Afterward, I decided the first thing that I would bring to the island, was the craft of the famous Snowboy, I built the first one and received a Large snowflake and a promise of a DIY recipe mailed to me tomorrow. Now that I have shown the villagers what one looks like, I hope to see more in the coming days.​

Speaking of my fellow residents of Tanglewood, I ran into them a little bit later that morning. They were both glad for the help I had given them the previous day. Fuchsia gave me a DIY for a leaf umbrella, and Flip a tulip hat. I needed a hat to help keep my head warm out here so I was properly grateful. Afterward, I did some chores around the island and headed to Resident Services to sell some fruit.​


It was their Mr. Tom taught me the art of DIY and opened up a whole new world to me. Armed with some flimsy tools at best, I was ready to hunt up some critters and fish as he suggested to see what the island had to offer.​

January 02, 2024


The day started early, it was still dark but, cool with just a slight bit of cloud cover in the sky. Mr. Tom started his morning announcements like usual, he informed us that Blathers would be joining us on Tanglewood today, and encouraged us to stop by and introduce ourselves. Which I planned on doing right after I took my daily picture. I have started a tradition to show changes by taking one picture a day outside my house, or on my island somewhere.


Speaking of house, I earned some points for upgrading from tent life to my first home. While checking the mail and collecting my Nook Miles Program that I redeemed as well as a notice from the HHA, apparently I was signed up for the Happy Home Academy when my house was built. I am assuming Mr. Tom filled out the paperwork because I sure don't remember filling out or signing anything.


I also received the DIY for a frozen chair for a Snowboy I made the other day. It was my first one, and I would have to say I was a little out of practice. He forgave me however and I still claimed the recipe. While walking along the beach in the morning hours, I also came across a message in the bottle while collecting shells. Inside was a note from Olivia and a DIY recipe for a wooden table mirror, I was so glad I took Mr. Nook up on that free workshop yesterday.


Messages in bottles were not the only thing discovered that morning on the beach. I also came across Gulliver a survivor after falling overboard on his ship. He asked if I could help him dig up his missing communicator parts. It took a few minutes but I found them all and helped him send his SOS to his crew so they could pick him up. I think this won't be the last I see of him though. I also tried my luck with a bit of early morning fishing.


I managed to catch a dab, and an olive flounder before heading into Resident Services. It was there I walked in on Mr. Nook talking to his nephews Timmy and Tommy about opening a shop. I would appreciate having an actual real shop on the island if possible. So I could get other things besides plastic containers, oil drums, and picnic baskets to decorate with.


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