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🐱 The island that was named for one 🐺 (Closed for now)

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Island/Town Name
Gei Neko
Native Fruit
Native Flower


🔥The Spicy Prince🔥
Oct 14, 2020
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
Fortune Cookie
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
*There was once a isle that was named for one, but held no such vow.*

It was off the coast, far away from other lands, and harbored its name Neko, for being the town of cats. A small village led by the wise elder Kabuki, and his son Rudy.

Many thought it were safe, though alone they were not. As the days went by the clouds grew sour. The winds picked up, and rain fell down which turned the roads to mush, and so the cats realized they must leave this isle.

As they all fled to the docks harboring boats, five had fell behind. One being Kabuki himself.

As the cats all worried and paniced about how their elder was still trapped. Kabuki told them not to fear, that he wished for only their safety and worry not for him.

Begrudgingly as the storms worsened the cats all fled. Kabuki watched from the shores as they all left on their fishing boats. He knew they would be safe there.

The wise cat knew he would be fine. Though, that was until outstubbles his son from the thick wet bushes. Rudy in a bit of a tussle, panicing that he couldnt leave his dad behind after Kabuki asked why he was still here. Rudy was only covering up for he had gotten lost during the escape. He was unaware his dad had not left with them.


Kabuki thought hard to himself while Rudy tried not to panic, however it was all too easy to see when he son was in a flap. The two were alerted to the sound of Paws upon rocks and saw across the lake were two cats who they though would probably would have escaped first

Being as Tom, and his little brother Moe, were the town's seafood supply, they were fishing cats. Moe was currently in a sob about how he and his brother were left behind. Both had sacrificed their boat for two cats who didnt have one. Though when they went to the back to their back up boat they found it was beaten and broke with holes. Tom wasnt going to tell Moe they were stuck for now, but Moe soon figured it out for himself


Normally it was easy to calm his brother but Tom was having a bit of trouble this time.

Across the way they were both taken back by the sudden call from across the banks from Kabuki, and the two blue cats starred in shock that the village elder was still here. Though the fact Rudy was also still here didn't surprise the blue cat.

Tom and Moe both wadded across the water to the other side where they met up. Rudy made eye contact with Tom, as the blue cat sneered and the red cat cat was less then enthused with having Tom here.


Kabuki called both cats to his attention saying that their situation may be very dier as of now, but they should not fear as much for there must be some stuff back in their wrecked village they could use

Moe sobbed about how when he, and Tom were the left behind he saw how wrecked and ruined the village had become. Though Kabuki told the young cat not to fear, that they should best stay close, and not a paws length apart until they were back. Though all four feared what they would find

Rudy begrudgingly agreed to be nice to Tom, and in turn Tom agreed to be nice to the red cat. Though their dislike still remained they had bigger things to worry about then petty fights over impressing the lady cats, or how Tom out weighed Rudy in both combat, and knowledge.


Moe decided it was best that he didnt leave Tom. Not wanting his brother to leave him behind so clutched onto him while they walked off away from the river to curl up for the night.

The next day they started towards where there home was, however they were stopped when Kabuki announced he had thought of a plan.


All this time they had been unaware they unaware that they were being watched from the mountains.

No cat wandered that far, or had went into the deep un wary brumble that lead into the high mountains. It was forbidden to do so.

So were unaware another tribe had been there as well.

The three wolves stared from the top of the mountains below at the sight below in utter shock. Wolfgang couldn't take his eyes away by the fact that below the mountains there had been another tribe. Cats by the looks for it. Only four of them while he could tell


Cheif thought to himself about what they should do about them. They didnt know these cats were down there, and were glad there were only four, them including the two other wolves back at the village. Fang was amused by the fact the two were worried about what four cats could do against an amimal far stromger

Though Chief pointed out that they could also be cunning, and from the looks of it were used to these lands. Though he had not seen any venture into the deeper forest and up their mountains, guessing that they were forbidden to do so.

Fang pointed out that it could just be out of fear, he himself had no problem going down to introduce himself to the cats.

Wolfgang shrugged and sarcastically asks if he really wants to deal with Lobo, or more importaly Kyle, about his impulsive nature to meet these *new comers*

All three then look at each other and muse to how they could indeed just go introduce themselves. Both Chief and Wolfgang joined in on how their meeting would go

Despite being Lobo's brother. Fang was far from his brother, and didnt share his values. He was the type of wolf to go against all his brothers knowledge.

Lobo was not only knowledgable but was stronger then him, and could surpass all three of them in combat. Fang has no reason to shadow over his brother, and instead just be the pack leader of Chief, and Wolfgang.

Both were orphaned wolves along with Kyle, who could forsay speak to those they could not see.

Lobo looked upon Kyle for knowledge, and often allowed the younger wolf to speak for him.

Lobo told Fang that there was a legend that someone on this island could see that they cannot, and Kyle was favored by his brother. Though Wolfgang refused to believe such a thing were true.

But due to Lobo, he never spoke his doubts. Though Fang wished his brother would look more upon to him then Kyle's so called vodo.


After some descretion amongst the three deciding that they had no choice but to tell Lobo and Kyle about the cats. They argued a bit about who would get the honor of telling them. It was something none of the three wished to do.

Chief managed to convince Fang, after pointing out his brother may think higher if him if he were to tell. Fang agreed to tell Lobo, and Kyle.


As was expected, this did not go well, as Fang was ordered by his brother to show Kyle and himself that they were not pulling his tail. But it also took a bit to find the cats. Till seeing them in that ruined village, Lobo ordered them all back into the building to discuss what was to be done

He was indeed against going down the mountains to just introduce himself to these cats, saying that the mountains were for them. Telling the three that unless the cats cause them trouble they're not to go near them

Kyle retorted telling Lobo that they should make their presence known to the cats, he explained that it would prehaps give them an idea about what these cats were like. Saying that a cat could probably do nothing against them

Chief retorted with how they also has their own issues, there had been massive winds that had cause damaged to their homes, and that was more a focus point. Lobo took Chief's advice

Kyle then foretold that he had an idea on what they could do. Which despite the other three's discontent,


They could contact the forest spirit to help them, and tell them how to handle the cats


This in turn was also Kabuki's idea, to the other's disbelief, they were not to go against Kabuki. As they were in no place to do so


Rudy offered that they may be fine on their own, but after seeing the state of where they lived he decided it would be best.


So as Kyle spoke for Lobo to talk to the spirit, Kabuki did as well, as the others watched, and awaited what both had heard.

The spirit answered

*I hear your plees. For your lands have been destroyed, and your families have fallen apart...*


*Your sorrow shall not stay, for I will help you. I will rebuild that at which you have lost, on one condition*


*If you are too ask this of me you will no longer live alone. For you myst align with those you have yet to meet*


*Only then will I keep to my word*



Both Kyle and Kabuki stood in shock. Both in shock for different reasons.

Kyle turned to Lobo and the other three. Telling them that if this were to pass, they must live in harmony with the cats


As he smiles the others stare in shock. Kyle told them it could have been worse.

Kabuki had taken it in harder unsure about what he meant by live in harmony, but it could mean nothing more then they must've not been alone


He turned to his son and the others to tell the others that they must live in harmony with another. Leaving them all a gasp.

Moe burst into tears. He never liked mysteries
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Ive been wanting to do a journal for Gei Neko for a long time, but didn't really wanna write a regular journal so this came to mind-

Wolfgang became the plus one on my island once he moved in from visiting the campsite. All tje plus ones are replaced by the campsite villager. But I started to think about how I may want a wolf island. Then thought about how id miss cats. So i thought why not have both.

So im keeping my same island because restarting is an ordeal for me, and I dont have the time to do so, but this is basically like rebuilding it. Not like I had alot on it before haha.

While i was planning, put the wolves in the higher grounds, cats on the lower. this kinda came to mind, a whole story planned around this. I only really have the male wolves, and kinda picked these five because this was *filmed* in my island due to how I have more props, and clothes thus why Stinky was not there

Stinky is the fifth cat but I dont have his amiibo, but he will appear when I film on Neko, other wise in screen shots. Because for this journal ill be post the story which may be 1-2 posts each update.
It'll also show my actual progress of my island, and convos between villagers.

So what will await these ten dwellers.


will trouble be caused with a broken promise

Prehaps there may be a silver lining within


Shall they fall, as mysteries and secrets are revealed about this world they thought they knew so well.


I shall return once more.

(Im writing this one my phone. So go easy on me with the grammer, ill spell check and check my grammar. But might not get everything.)


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Figures. Once I start a journal my side island's screen breaks and I cant get it on. So there goes this idea. At least for a bit.

No problem. I had another idea for my main land
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