• LIVE A gaming event as part of The Bell Tree World Championship 2024 is currently being livestreamed on TBT's Twitch channel here -- spectators who chat on Discord can earn points too!

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  • Just realized that I had a comment from you from the end of July (eep!) that I'd not responded to, and I totally thought I had! But yes, thank you so much for visiting my Labyrinth-themed dream town of Goblin. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! My favorite thing about having that town is hearing from people who have enjoyed their time there. :D
    I saw your post for purple pansies, I'm currently selling them on a thread in the TBT marketplace. ^^
    Looks like your new sweater is a hit with my villagers!
    Bam has already started to strut his stuff in it!
    Thank you again!! <3
    Hey just let me know whenever you are available ^_^
    I will be on most the night just working on cycling out my last 2 villagers and watching netflix!
    Okay! Well just message me then when you are available in the evening!
    I should be on ^_^
    Thank you again!!
    Thats fine!
    You can take as many trips as you need, i can just leave my gate open!
    Would you mind placing them into my able sisters again?
    Ill pay you 100 tbt for the inconvenience!
    I will add you again, please add this FC: 2723 - 9819 - 4046
    Hey I am sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you still have the sweater designs saved?
    I restarted my town, and I thought if i picked them up from the able sisters on a character in a different town it would let me place it back down in the new town with your name but it isn't.
    Oh of course! with the work you put into it, you deserve it!
    Ill send something over to you right now ^_^
    Hey there!
    I just wanted to say thank you again for the sweaters!
    My villagers are starting to wear them, and I almost squeal when I see how ADORABLE they look in the sweaters!
    They are absolutely perfect!
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