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  • Aw I have school tomorrow all day too, I get off around this time though so maybe we can play around this time tomorrow? And we sure are, you're about 3 hours ahead of me, curse our timezone :mad: It's 3:53 here right now. I hope we can play tomorrow though, it was fun last time. Anyway, good luck with your studies!

    And hahaha ok :}
    Aw damn, I'm out with family atm (grocery shopping and gonna have family lunch), so I really can't right now. I'm sorry. Perhaps tomorrow? :blush:
    haha, we can play later, I'm out atm D:

    And thank you, you're so nice as well. ^_^ See/play you again later!
    Is the toy hammer still available? I can easily outbid the highest bid...I just lost track of what the bid actually was on that thread.
    Alright, JoJo, I will talk to you calmly. Please do not report me because I am atleast not being rude.
    You reported beary509 for being rude. I know that she overreacted a little, but really. You went into the chat and 'reported' me for swearing. I'm very sorry that I offended you, but the chatzy had no rules. You could have said 'please don't swear' or something, but no, you 'reported' me. After that, you basically caused chaos in the chatzy. you made up all these fake accounts like 'mod' and 'owner'. You could have just left the chat and left us alone.

    Now, you can't report me, because I was not being rude.
    I see you are willing to give me 600k under the conditions of my giving you 100 TBT bells! I accept your offer :) my friendcode is 2535-3800-8833. Yours? PM me soon!
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