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  • Hey, can i come sell my turnips at your place for 619?
    ( I will need about 5 or 6 trips to sell them all )
    ( My name is Lars from Sycora )
    ii have the items you want, ii wrote on your thread, lmk if you still want them.. ty
    Sorry, I forgot to add your friend code;;

    Added you and reopened my gates, my town name is Ichi☆!
    hey! thank you soo much for letting me have the lamp for free ;; I'm available all day today & i don't mind picking it up ^^
    Hello! Apologies for the late response. I've been a bit busy. If you're still interested in my Taurus bathtub, it's ready for you. Just VM me the next time you're online. :)

    Oh, and due to some technical difficulties on my current DS, please do not add that FC. Please add the following FC:


    Thank you!
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