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  • If you still have Margie, I would love her. I had her in my town on Wild world for the longest time and she was my favorite character. I cried when she moved away and I was unable to stop her. She has long remained in my memory since then and I haven't had her on City Folk or New Leaf.
    I am so so so so so sorry for not picking up Margie!! School had just started and 8th grade has been really busy for me. I haven't really played AC since school started but I think I might play again soon (though I have a lot of homework to do) I currently don't know if I have a spot open in my town but if I do, I'll let you know. But if you had voided her that's OK too
    I'm going offline now. But if you come back online, I want you to know that I may not be available to get Margie until around 6ish EST. This is because I get home late and I have to do my homework and such. Sorry if I cause you any trouble
    I'm so sorry for the silence. I might have to pick margie up tomorrow because I have bought whitney from another person who can't hold her much longer. I hope that's okay?
    That's fine. Just to let you know, I might be getting Pashmina from a friend in possibly a couple days.
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