Recent content by TN4U

  1. TN4U

    Ruin a Movie!

    Homer doesn't do anything stupid. Springfield doesn't get zoned off by the EPA. There's no pitchforks, death threats to the Simpson family, or Spider-Pig subplot. The only thing remotely wrong that we see in the film is the scene I cannot explain where Bart skateboards across town. He gets put...
  2. TN4U

    ask the below user a question!

    I've been on several, though TBT is currently the only one I'm an active user on. What is your opinion on The Bee Movie?
  3. TN4U

    last person to post wins

    That's the G-rated way of saying it.
  4. TN4U

    Wrong answers only !!

    Because we don't want our eyeballs to fall out. What is the famous quote Buzz Lightyear says when he flies?
  5. TN4U

    last person to post wins

    Chocolate soft serve ice cream with smiling face on it.
  6. TN4U

    Wrong answers only !!

    They tried to create a story, and didn't want time travelers to find out before everyone else. When the storywriters couldn't figure out how to add it on, it was scrapped entirely and they just decided to put in the usual holidays they were going to add later instead. Why did Nintendo name it...
  7. TN4U

    Mafia Among Us Mafia Game Thread (Night Three) (EoN 5/19 6pm EST)

    It is eerily quiet.
  8. TN4U

    ask the below user a question!

    Probably horror. I don't like the genre in general. If you play your Switch on a TV, do you usually play with the joycons or a pro controller?
  9. TN4U

    The Internet's Worst Advice Column

    Become a vegetarian. Easy. My hard drive failed and I lost everything. How do I prevent this from happening again?
  10. TN4U

    Wrong answers only !!

    They take lots of herbal supplements. Why do leaves on trees turn different colors in the fall, then fall off during winter?
  11. TN4U

    Mafia Among Us Mafia Game Thread (Night Three) (EoN 5/19 6pm EST)

    Hmm, that sounds pretty real. Here's how I viewed it: Dolby originally viewed me as mafia, but then became more null. I always viewed Dolby as town until the "doc claim" mess. I was originally up-and-down with Trundle, but my claim of town became stronger over time the more I saw his post...
  12. TN4U

    Mafia Among Us Mafia Game Thread (Night Three) (EoN 5/19 6pm EST)

    Early on, Dolby did have some sus on me. It was somewhere in D1; that post will have to be dug up.
  13. TN4U

    Mafia Among Us Mafia Voting Thread

    Vote: radical6
  14. TN4U

    Mafia Among Us Mafia Game Thread (Night Three) (EoN 5/19 6pm EST)

    I don't understand or agree with your reasoning behind this. You can't view someone as town solely because they didn't vote.