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  • You click the check mark at the top right and then at the bottom
    you click where it says "selected messages" and you choose delete.
    how much longer will you be available? i have to find my charger (omg i've been looking EVERYWHERE! ahhh) but it shouldn't be longer than 15min!
    I took a Gameboy to school today and everyone wanted to play it.

    Took it since waiting in the morning in the gym is boring.

    I thought I'd be considered a loser. Lol
    Ok. The only two cranky's allowed in my town are Gaston and Chow. All others, bye!

    haha Gaston I have in the Gamecube AC... which makes it a bit weird to have him in ACNL.
    What are your thoughts on Chow, the cranky cow?

    I used to have a Webkinz, one of the only three I remember named "Chowie" and he was a cow. His leg got torn off when I was little and my older brother made me feel better by telling me he had diabetes because he chowed on food. lol So if I get him, I can say "Chow" is short for "Chowie." :)
    So I ran into a problem. So sorry. I got the wrong sweets item when I went to someone's town with sweets in their Gracie Grace. I will give you the sweets items I got and get you the right one ASAP.

    Your order is now free, by the way. No need to pay me at all.
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