Aeri's Trainer Card Store.



Enjoy bro
yeah i do like it :D, and i thought that selection of pokemon would be tricky

^ ^ Good Good! I'll be doing my own card. It's gunna be good hopefully.
All I can tell you so far is the Trainer is meant to look like ORIGINAL Red.
yeah i do like it :D, and i thought that selection of pokemon would be tricky

^ ^ Good Good! I'll be doing my own card. It's gunna be good hopefully.
All I can tell you so far is the Trainer is meant to look like ORIGINAL Red.
Most views in the shop part 8D

Anyway. Partial bump. MY signiture shows what you can get if you REALLY splash out on one of our trainer cards.
To be honest. My biggest love for it is the Mint Chocolate Vanniluxe!

Well, I just gotta wait for more orders now.
Sorry 'bout this late reply. I'm waiting for broadband which might take a month.. and I hate posting from College.

I'm probably gunna have a try by making up a mock. Then when I have an idea I'm happy with I'll put them up.
I might do them soon. But the info on them might be limited. Put HOPEFULLY it'll reflect my current styles. I have templates for tag-teams, ''co-ordinator'' etc ((Basically a ****ton)).

--Mind you...It'd be slightly more expensive than your regular card!--

Anyway. Thanks for the Patronage!