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Have you had a villager leave and it crushed your soul?


Ancient Member
Jul 30, 2006
Blue Hybrid Pansy
Cyan Heart Balloon
Night Sky Scenery
Space Whale Plush
Blue Feather
In my recent play through, I had Fauna leave. It crushed me. I’m pretty sure I’ve had her since the beginning. She sent me her picture, which I’m grateful for, but I’m so crushed that she’s not in my town anymore. I’m just glad Punchy didn’t leave.

What about you? Have you come back after a long break and you found one of your beloveds gone?
For me, it was Ribbot ... This was before the Welcome Amiibo update so the villagers would move out every 4 days..
I literally checked every 4 days for years- up until ACNH came out , actually!!!!! just because I didn't want anyone to move out
I was quite busy with college and I skipped one day and he was gone... I went insano mode and destroyed my town LOL Absolutely crushed me
Yes... I cried when Pate moved out a long time ago. She was one of my favorites early on. I have been more careful ever since then and haven't had any other incidents.
No, actually! Well, I did have some favorite villagers move out (like Truffles, Lolly, Chrissy), but I think I let them move out, or maybe I just wasn’t that sad about them moving, because I barely remember. I would have been really sad if Snake moved out of my first town though!!
Yes, so many times, especially when I started out; not at all recently, because I'm aware of the mechanics now and Welcome Amiibo extended the period until villagers move out (although I'm still a bit paranoid abot having one of my core residents leave).

The first one was Cube, I had no prior knowledge of him wanting to move out and one day he just packed up and left. I still love him dearly.
Then there were Hippeux, Fuchsia, Flo, Gloria... I don't know if it's me being less attached nowadays or if it was the update .
I was shattered when Klaus left. It was so unexpected. Luckily my brother had space in his town, so he took him so I could still visit him. The only thing that enabled me to keep going with my town was the fact that I found someone willing to sell me Julian, and I had wanted him in my town for a long time.
Not really.
But if it's my favorite villager, I might be sad, but I would end up editing my save with save editor to bring them back.
I’ve already talked about this a lot on here, but back in 2014, I went through my first depressive episode. I didn’t play for around 2 weeks because of it. I eventually felt better and wanted to play again, and booted up my game… only to have Isabelle tell me that Beau, my #1 favourite villager of all time at the time, was in boxes.

It was one of those moments where you read something and your heart and stomach immediately just sink. I know that sounds dramatic LOL, but I was a 12-year-old girl who just went through her first depressive episode, had sprained her ankle a couple weeks before and was overall just having a horrible time, so I really did not need my favourite villager suddenly moving out. I was so distraught. I time travelled backwards in hopes that maybe it would change something, but of course all that did was cause him to move out completely. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to him. 😫

I don’t remember if I ever got him back after that. The 16 villager cycle was lowkey such a pain lol. I think I did? But I don’t think it felt the same or I was as happy about it since it wasn’t my Beau. It was a different one who didn’t remember me or living in my town.

I have him in New Horizons now though where he can’t leave me, so all’s well that ends well ig LOL
Not in NewLeaf or NewHorizons. Thankfully both games made it easier to know when someone is moving. Even though NL still wasn't ideal with the way they moved in and out, it was better than previous games where it just happened. There wasn't any notice. You just would find the letter in your mailbox the next day and the house was gone.

In one of the previous games I had some villager, I forget who, but they were a favorite of my just up and leave without a word like I mentioned above. It annoyed me because why couldn't it had been one of the other villagers I didn't care for. Of course, Nintendo programmed it so your favorite ones were more likely to move.
It seems Gaston up and left my new leaf town at some point. Pretty depressing but there's no way to get him back.
I lost Marina in ACNL not long after paying like 300 TBT for her, but she came back as my third villager in ACNH

I'm always sad when they goes even if I kicked them out lol
I lost Coco suddenly after a busy spell and it really wrecked me because I don't have her amiibo. She was a random move in and I was so lucky to have her! I started being more vigilant towards move out cues after that.
When I was very young and had just started playing AC:NL, which was also my first Animal Crossing game, I was content to let my villagers come and go as they pleased and had no concept of dream villagers. However, my first villager to move in after my starters was Julian. 13-year-old me was obsessed with unicorns and I loved him immediately. He was definitely my favorite villager for months. I discovered time travel not long after though, and I learned the lesson that I’m sure many of us have had to go through. I opened the game and when Isabelle said “Julian is leaving tomorrow” my heart literally dropped. I was really upset about it. I just went into his house and stared at him with all those moving boxes and felt genuine sadness. I knew it was just pixels on a screen but I had grown so attached to him 😞
i accidentally messed up time travelling once and diana left my town unexpectedly. she had been one of my longest villagers and it was just very shocking that i had messed up and she was gone. i did eventually get her back but i still remember how shocked i was seeing her empty plot of land after i had been doing some hard work beautifying my town.
i remember once in my old town o'hare left and i genuinely cried and then made a grave area for him
my first unexpected move was patty and i felt so bad because i actually wanted her to stay! i think i missed a few days of playing or i was time traveling and i missed her conversation. i was still pretty new to the game and animal crossing in general so i got over it and moved on soon enough. then i got shep and he was kind of like my bestie. i loved the placement of his house and how it was in the corner of the map, secluded behind trees so it was woodsy. i was pretty far into the game at this point and had been time traveling regularly, so i think i messed up somewhere and he was just gone. i was actually heartbroken but luckily my sister and i had a cycling town that caught him. my main goal was to cycle the 16 out to get him back but that required making more sacrifices (and eventually repeating the 16 cycle process) with my other villagers also.
I mentioned this in another thread recently, but I had Mott as a resident of a town and I decided to have him move out so I could adopt a different villager who fit said town's theme better. I was fine with this at first, but as the days ticked away I began to regret this decision a bit. It's a bit silly, but his name reminded me of the Mott's brand of applesauce and then my brain was like "He's the applesauce lion" and then it was like "Oh no, wait, that's cute." Once he was in boxes I was pretty bummed and decided that I'd reclaim him at some point. The following year, this prompted me to get another copy of the game and create my circus & magic show town so he could be the circus lion. As such, it all worked itself out for the best in the end.

Aside from that, no other instances in New Leaf come readily to mind. All my moveouts in New Horizons were intentional, I bought Wild World on the Wii U eShop before its closure last year but have never played it yet, and didn't enjoy and stopped playing City Folk not long after I began playing. As for the GameCube game, I wouldn't say I was crushed but I had Octavian move into my town from my friend's town following a visit one day and had him for a while. One day he decided to just up and leave my town one day too. This was when he was the only Octopus villager, and I thought (and still think) he was cool, so I was disappointed to see him go.