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Is Palworld a complete ripoff of Pokemon?

Yes, I think they are ripping off Pokemon designs to a recognisable extent... I'm aware Nintendo doesn't have reign over any of the ideas but the fact that someone of them have the exact same features and colour pallette as certain pokemon is wild.


I mean come on, exact some colour pallette, markings in the same place, same proportions etc.. It looks like a paradox form of Cobalion.

That being said, WHO CARES because Pokemon has gone to **** and I'm glad someone is finally giving them a run for their money. I can't wait for this to come to PS5 so I can play.
I know next to nothing about Palworld, but judging from what people here are saying it just seems to be modern Pokemon if it was good. From what i've heard so far, a lot of people are calling it something along the lines of "Pokemon but good".
Googling it though, it's aesthetic is definitely too blatantly trying to be Pokemon that honestly it's a bit hard to look at. Make a Pokemon-like game all you like, but at least give it's artstyle identity.
I have a similar issue with YIIK. Even if YIIK was a god tier game and not the dumpster fire it turned out to be, it's just too blatantly Earthbound inspired that it just feels like it's trying to be Earthbound.
honestly, plagarism aside, it's really fun. other than monsters and the spheres, i dont really think it's trying to be pokemon. its more ark-like. anyways i wanted to show off some of my monsters cause i love them.


this is jonathan. he's my best buddy


and this is crumbles, who absolutely annihilated me twice. love her for that
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This might not mean much, but I found this. (There's a translation at the bottom of the page)
That was discussed a page or so ago. It's hard to know exactly, but I've come around to the idea that it's more than likely a corporate way of asking-without-asking for people to stop spamming their inboxes with it. That doesn't rule out them taking legal action, but if they do, this memo wouldn't be the thing to prove it.
Oh yeah, it just means they're investigating. Doesn't mean they found anything to take action against yet.
Big suggestion here...don't sleep of crafting the saddle for Vanwyrm.

Easily the best way to get around that I've found so far. - You can just fly all over the map, shooting fireballs at enemies, throwing spheres, snatching up eggs to hatch, collecting idols, seeking out enemy settlements and dungeons. I've leveled up like 10 times faster since I got myself a Vanwyrm to ride.
I accomplished breeding my Mau to have the passive skills I wanted it to have. I had to go about it a little different than I thought it would have worked, but I got it!
Right now I am working on breeding a Daedream with the passive skills I would like on it. I wasn't originally going to use that Pal because I wasn't crazy about its design, even though it isn't a bad design at all, but then decided to go for it after learning about an ability it has if you craft its item.
I bred my Penking and Bushi to get Anubis. Probably won't do a whole lot of breeding in my game, because it takes a lot of time. Took me forever to craft the cake. Cake takes a lot of ingredients to begin with...most of which can be bought from the settlement. And then actually cooking it feels like to took ages. But...yeah, I don't see there being too many instances where I'll be compelled to breed a bunch. Just really wanted Anubis.
If anyone is looking for a monster-catching game that feels more "grown-up" than Pokémon without leaning this heavily into violence then I'd recommend Nexomon - specifically Nexomon: Extinction. Nintendo could learn a lot from this game too, honestly. But that's a conversation point for another thread.
Never heard of this series before, thanks for sharing the recommendation!
I'm level 27 now. I just made my first electricity and crafted my first electric light. - It feels like I finally crawled out of the primordial ooze and onto dry land. Electric light is such a game changer. Lol. Palworld is really good at making small improvements to your base and overall character feel like they're a big deal.
So, I was playing online with a couple friends last night, and I intended to craft a saddle for my friend so he could ride Nitewing...which I did, but then I accidentally picked it up from the crafting table out of habit. So, it got added to my inventory, when he needed to actually grab it himself. It shows in my key items inventory as possessing 2x of the saddle...but there's no way for me to drop one of them or anything? Am I missing some way to do that...or does the early access just not let you do it? I felt so stupid when it happened. Lol
Yes, I think they are ripping off Pokemon designs to a recognisable extent... I'm aware Nintendo doesn't have reign over any of the ideas but the fact that someone of them have the exact same features and colour pallette as certain pokemon is wild.


I mean come on, exact some colour pallette, markings in the same place, same proportions etc.. It looks like a paradox form of Cobalion.

That being said, WHO CARES because Pokemon has gone to **** and I'm glad someone is finally giving them a run for their money. I can't wait for this to come to PS5 so I can play.

There's also a ripoff of Luxray as well.
Some of the designs are certainly shameless ripoffs. But there are some that I really, really like. Foxparks is really cute. Rayhound is also one of my top favorites! Definitely very Pokemonesque for sure. Some designs are not Pokemonesque at all, though. The chicken one looks more like a rooster in Kirby-style than Pokemon lol.

The similarities in gameplay really drop off once you get past the monster catching factor, though (which itself is a lot like Pokemon - especially Legends Arceus in of itself).