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Share your hair type 💇🏻‍♀️

What’s your hair type?

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Shair your hair type! You can look at this picture below for reference.


It’s possible to have several curl types at once. I have curly hair and the majority of my hair is 3A, but some of my curls are looser and more a 2B/2C.

My hair is quite coarse and has low porosity.

What about you? What are your favourite products for your hair type?
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I think my hair falls under 1abc category. My hair is definitely straight but bountiful and thick. Honestly I don't use any products for my hair. I wash it and then brush it and it dries straight. Those Dyson hair wraps look like fun though. It looks like it would take all the frizz away and leave my hair super smooth.
As a kid I kept my hair long and it would fall straight back.

These days I keep it at medium length, and I never let it grow far down enough to be able to tell what it would turn into. I have a front cowlick naturally, so I suppose that's something interesting to mention.
Please change the title to shair your hair type.

Thanks Ms Hun
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Also like 2c if it gets fluffy or I have to untangle it, and then 3c when it’s wet and coils up
i think my hair naturally floats around the 2c-3a/b range, but it honestly depends on so many factors. which part of my head the hair is growing from (i find the hair on the top/outer parts are the curliest+frizziest) if i don’t use any styling that requires heat, my hair texture changes from what it looks like on wash day vs two day after that. and of course the weather and humidity levels changes how my hair behaves too unfortunately 😭 i try and rely on protective styling to give my hair a break from tools that use heat, but i always seem to find my way back to them cause they just make my hair easier to deal with
Mine is like, 2A/2B, in that range. If I blowdry it, it gets straighter but if I let it dry naturally, it's wavyyyyyyy.
it's usually around 2A but much, much thicker than in the infographic. it tangles super easily, which is why i usually keep it around shoulder or collarbone length.
1b, but when I was a kid it was 1a, straight hair impossible to curl. I remember wanting waves for Halloween at school, we tried curl iron, braids on wet hair, gels, nothing worked. It changed once adult and now I miss the super straight hair.
I think I'm somewhere between 1A and 2A (probably closer to 2A)? My hair is super fine and kinda wavy (it's cut very short though so the wavy-ness isn't super noticeable).

Fun fact: when I was little, my hair was VERY curly (like 3A). But once I got to age 5-6 it just randomly got straighter.
mine is basically 2a-2b, it's not curly but it's definitely wavy. it tends to fall flat if I don't use the right products, but I take pride in my little waves and curls hehe ☺️ so I like to make sure that I style it properly.

also my hair is super fine and dense, and I have to keep it short and thinned out or else it'll weigh down the waves. I actually need to go get it trimmed soon haha.
Fun fact: when I was little, my hair was VERY curly (like 3A). But once I got to age 5-6 it just randomly got straighter.
WOAH that’s so interesting! Something similar happened to me, just reversed. When I was 5, 6 years old my hair was pin straight! Maybe the occasional wave but not wavy or curly. Some time in puberty it poofed up and I was walking around with Hagrid style frizz (because I styled my hair as you would style straight hair) and one random day when I let my hair air dry I realised it’s super curly.
my hair is a mix of 1a and 1c, sometimes it gets a little bit more of a wave to it depending how it dries
naturally between 2a and 2b, my hair actually used to be curly when i was younger but i think years of straightening it destroyed the curl pattern.
2A!! plus i got thicc hair so the waves basically have a life of their own ugh 😭 my hair is pretty heavily bleached too (2-3 bleaches) so I make sure to take care of it! i always use conditioner when I wash my hair, then put coconut oil afterwards so it's well moisturized. i use microfiber towl and dont wring my hair completely, and i let it dry naturally and avoid combing it when i'm fresh out of the bathroom. i used to have no hair care regimen with my bleached hair so my split ends and frizz were absolutely bad. 🥲 that's why im really happy i started caring for my hair more, i have not had split ends and frizz since despite multiple bleaches 💪

segue but i remember one time when i had my hair bleached at a salon, i was showing old pics of my colored hair bc I wanted to achieve that color again, and the salon stylist mentioned in passing that my hair looked "ugly" before and they wanted to fix that. i got really offended by it and said i was perfectly happy with my previous hair once i started doing my hair care regimen, my hair just looks frizzy in pics from afar sometmes but that's because my hair flies away on its own as it's thick and wavy; it's not dry or damaged at all. they were also forcing their own color and design choices on me when i stated multiple times that i wanted something different, it was really annoying. i'm not going back to that salon again lol
I know I've always had straight hair, but I'm not exactly sure what it'd be considered on that image, maybe 1A or 1B?
I have really thick hair and corkscrew curls 3b and 3c. I hated my hair as a child because I brushed my curles out. Looked awful but I didn't know better. The other children made fun of my hair and asked if it's a illness lol Children are mean man. Stuck with me for a looong time and I used to straigthen my hair every morning for an hour. Now I love them and they are amazing - I don't have to do anything to have perfect styled hair everyday haha