TBT's Second Egg Decorating Contest - Voting

Which egg deserves to win first place?

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Ahh it was so hard to decide! All these entries are stunning :)
hoo boy after some heavy consideration, i decided to go with #5! maybe it’s because i’m lowkey a sucker for pastels and sanrio but it’s so cute. 🥺 these are all genuinely so creative though?? like i’m actually sort of speechless. lowkey sad that i didn’t get a chance to participate this year but congrats to all the nominees!! all of these entries are lovely. 💖
Ahhh it's so hard to choose! All ten are amazing. 🤩
Congrats to the finalists! And well done to everyone who made an egg or eggs for this event!
Thank you TBT staff for all the easter fun. :)
Congrats to the 10!

It was hard to decide which egg to vote for ;~; The craftsmanship of many of these, I gotta applaud
I picked #2 cause the hand painted art work was beautiful. Everyone's ability to craft with clay is pretty impressive though!

This is ultimately why I picked #2 as well! It was really hard to choose and all the eggs are wonderful but I kept coming back to the second one because the painting was beautiful. 💕
I voted for #9; I absolutely loved the presentation and honestly I think it looks really cute and cool. 🥺😎

I loved all the other entries too especially 6, 4 and 10 and 5, 3, 7, 8, 2, 1. Oh wait, that’s all of the entries 😅. But seriously, I really loved each one of them as well as the others that didn’t get nominated. The painting, the details and the way they were constructed are all super creative and amazing. I can’t imagine how long it took to make these. Gl everyone!
all of them are so GORGEOUS :love: how can you be so talented ahfefbjk
good luck to everyone! i voted for 4 cause it's so well drawn while also featuring 3d objects and i love the little island and Zipper creeping in the background it's all so much fun!
everyone's entries were genuinely stunning, i don't envy the staff the task of narrowing it down at all because i could barely pick here lmao. gl to everyone who made it through!!
Yay!!🎉🎉 Congrats to the finalists!!😁 this was a fun event to participate. I really like all the finalists eggs. But if I had to choose one I guess I'd pick... egg#1 clafairy is soo cute!!😊💕
Couldn't choose between #5 & #10 so had to close my eyes and and just click...#5 it is! :love:
But seriously, all of these are SO creative & talented, omg 😭
Congratulations to all the finalists 🎉🎉 You are all so talented 😍 I am just going to vote but think I will keep private as it’s just my personal choice and all entries are amazing 💕
Me pretending not to be crying lol. Super discouraged to not be moving forward, but there were alot of great eggs. Congrats to those moving on and good luck!
Awww, your egg was beautiful. You should still be proud. It's hard when there are so many amazing, talented people on this forum and only a few can make it each time. But I'm sure you'll be in there one day.

Congrats to all the finalists! These eggs are all beautiful and there were many more that didn't make it that I loved as well. It was a tough choice because they're all deserving, but I voted for the egg that stood out the most to me personally. Good luck to everyone!
All of these eggs look simply fantastic! I had to go for egg #5 though as Etoile looks absolutely adorable. 🥺
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