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☕ The Coffee Thread ☕


🔮 Pokémon Master 🔮
Dec 13, 2014
Yellow Balloon
Pink Balloon
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Crystal Tree
Questions for discussion:
What's your go-to coffee order?
When did you first start liking coffee?
Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
Name your favourite coffee shop!
When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?

Feel free to discuss anything else related to COFFEE!
1. I don’t have a go-to coffee order because I get bored if I have the same thing too many times in a row! I prefer to cycle through different flavors, though if ordering at a coffee shop I’ll typically get a macchiato. I love the stronger taste that espresso gives.

2. I first started liking coffee far too young I think, my grandma would take me to McDonald’s when I was 8-9 on a regular basis, as she would watch me I while I waited for my mom to finish college classes for the day. So I would drink an iced caramel coffee and play the N64 that particular McDonald’s had at the time. I remember those days fondly, even if I was too young for caffeine!

3. I tried Starbucks for the first time when I went to college, as there was a functioning location inside the library. I did like it, but the prices really threw me for a loop. I tried my best to only drink from the cafe near the campus bookstore, as that was cheaper by several dollars.

4. My favorite coffee shop always has been Dunkin’ Donuts, as they make quality coffee drinks the most consistently. I will also drink McDonald’s coffee, but more as a last resort. I think Starbucks is way too overpriced and not really worth it.

5. I’ll drink coffee more in the morning/afternoon, as that’s when I’m sleepiest. Sometimes I’ll have it at night, but I have a harder time falling asleep when I do!

6. I’ll drink coffee alone or with food, as I really enjoy it with my breakfast. But sometimes I just need a pick me up and will drink it by itself.
What's your go-to coffee order?

Caramel blondie chiller! It's basically a caramel-flavored iced coffee drink. Looks like this:


When did you first start liking coffee?

When I was a kid and my mom took me out to get frappucinos every once in awhile, lol.

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?

Yeah, it was among the first coffee I've tried. I do enjoy their products, but they're also pricey, so I don't buy from them that often. I also kind of despise them as a company after having worked there for a bit.

Name your favourite coffee shop!

Not going to name it because it may give away my location, but it's a local one in my area.

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?

Both. It just depends on my sleep schedule at the time and what I'm trying to accomplish.

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?

If it's breakfast usually with food, but otherwise I'll have it by itself. I absolutely LOVE coffee in any form, whether it's iced or hot. There is no coffee drink that I don't enjoy, even when it's just straight-up black! :blush:
What's your go-to coffee order?: Plain black but I always add cream and sugar.

When did you first start liking coffee?: When I was a kid my grandmother always made coffee on the stove top using an old school percolator.It was the best.

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?: I've never had coffee in a Starbucks shop but I like some of their K-Cup blends like the Veranda blend and Decaf.

Name your favourite coffee shop!: There's a local place called Ronnie's that makes good coffee.I also like some of the coffee at QuikTrip.

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?: Only in the morning.

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?: I'll sometimes have it with Mexican pastries(pan dulce) or biscotti.
What's your go-to coffee order?: Depends where I'm ordering it from. In my area we have a lot of local coffee shops that have their own signature drinks and I usually go for one of those, I try to avoid chain coffee (especially now, free Palestine). Buuuut if I find myself at a Peet's or other chain (not SB) I will order an iced coffee with soy milk.

When did you first start liking coffee?: When I was a kid. My dad let me sip his coffee, which was sooo sweet because he hates bitter flavors. I've been hooked ever since.

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?: I have had Starbucks, I tried it first when I was about 11 or 12. I was a big SB fan for a long time (and honestly, I do still love their Pistachio latte...) but I've been boycotting recently.

Name your favourite coffee shop!: A local spot in my town, don't wanna say it to give away my location.

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?: In the morning but I'll have a third cup in the afternoon if I'm feeling it.

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?: I'll drink it with pastries or with my breakfast! Sometimes coffee is my breakfast (bad habit, I know)
What's your go-to coffee order?
Black. No sugar, sweeteners, chocolate, cream, milk, or *Chinese sports announcer from South Park doing an American impression* non-dairy creamer (dated reference, I know👨‍🦳)

When did you first start liking coffee?

Sometime in my 20s.

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
I haven't tried Starbucks. There isn't one near me. In Canada, we have a place for coffee called Tim Horton's.

Name your favourite coffee shop!
A&W of all places (Canadian McDonald's)

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
Mornings and days. When I have work at night, I drink it in the evenings.

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
I usually drink it alone. Or with breakfast. You know how everyone says, "I need something sweet!" after eating? After eating something sweet, I need something bitter. Black coffee it is.
What's your go-to coffee order?
The coffee I drink most often is just a standard cup with cream and sugar. But I do like to experiment with different, seasonal varieties. Over Christmas, I had peppermint lattes as my daily cup, and it was quite festive.

When did you first start liking coffee?
Sometimes within the past five years, moreso out of necessity than appreciation for the taste. The typical morning grogginess and neck pains have proven to be much harder to deal with lately, and coffee has so far been the only thing to really help soothe those things. I'm normally a tea drinker, and I still prefer that over coffee, but it doesn't really seem to do anything for me with regards to making the process of waking up less bothersome.

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
I have had Starbucks once or twice. It's all right! I think the first time I tried it was at a friend's graduation.

Name your favorite coffee shop!
I don't really have one; I know this might be heresy, but I find most regular coffee blends (i.e. black, not mint- or pumpkin spice-flavored or what have you) to all taste pretty much the same to be brutally honest. That being said, there's a few local ones I've wanted to try, because I like the idea of having a cozy little place away from home, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

When do you drink coffee? Day or night?
Typically first thing in the morning, but I usually keep decaf around for when the mood strikes me at night.

Do you like to eat food with coffee or drink it alone?
I usually have coffee with my morning toast, but any other time, I prefer it without the accompaniment of food. Though, this also depends on the variety. Some cookies or biscuits go well with coffee.
Coffee? Yes. Coffee? All the time. Coffee? Coffee. Too easy! ☕😎 Don't come rattling your ginormous plastic cup loaded with ice and 10% of actual beverage in it. 🙄 I'm sitting with the big kids and our ceramic, pipin' hot, black cuppa' joe. ✨☕😤💅💁‍♀️✨Oh and please do pass the doughnuts. I like jelly. 😋
im sorry this is gonna be the worst answer you get but i need bells from posting 😔

What's your go-to coffee order?
it's nothing because i don't drink coffee, it's gross to me : (

When did you first start liking coffee?

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
i have tried starbucks, i didn't try it for a really long time but they have a strawberry drink that i don't mind. it's all super overpriced though, i feel like it's more of a brand name thing than a quality thing at this point.

Name your favourite coffee shop!
uhhhhh tim hortons because i'm canadian : )

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
when i get an iced capp from tim hortons every once in a blue moon if that counts. i never have any sort of caffeine at night though.

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
i always be snacking 😎
im sorry this is gonna be the worst answer you get but i need bells from posting 😔

What's your go-to coffee order?
it's nothing because i don't drink coffee, it's gross to me : (

When did you first start liking coffee?

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
i have tried starbucks, i didn't try it for a really long time but they have a strawberry drink that i don't mind. it's all super overpriced though, i feel like it's more of a brand name thing than a quality thing at this point.

Name your favourite coffee shop!
uhhhhh tim hortons because i'm canadian : )

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
when i get an iced capp from tim hortons every once in a blue moon if that counts. i never have any sort of caffeine at night though.

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
i always be snacking 😎
you thought it would be the worst answer, but ended up being the best based on the fact that ur a fellow Canadian :) 🍁
mmm i've been considering if i should actually post here considering i've been trying to drink coffee less recently... buuuut...

What's your go-to coffee order?
i usually make coffee at home but if i'm ever ordering from outside i still wouldn't have a go-to order, it really depends what the store has available

When did you first start liking coffee?
i think around when i was 14 i shared a cup with a friend 😊

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
mhm! starbucks coffee tastes fine, i just don't ever buy from there cus of how overpriced it is, as others have mentioned lol

Name your favourite coffee shop!
again i don't frequent any shops but there are a few decent local ones... i guess one of those would be my favorite since a year ago i used to go there a lot—ironically not for the coffee, but since it was a sort of quiet place to relax and. not have to be at home haha

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
it's part of my waking up routine, i used to drink it a lot before i went to school as an alternative to breakfast ^^; recently i'm trying to get into healthier habits though

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
alone generally, but if it's er... a 'treat', then i'd love it with some kind of dessert 🩷
What's your go-to coffee order?

My go-to coffee order is usually on the cold side. I have a sensitive tongue and it reacts negatively to liquids that are too hot. So...when I go to a café I usually get either a Cold Coffee with Milk, or if I am feeling my sweet-tooth, I get an Affogato.

When did you first start liking coffee?

Very young.

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it?

Yes, but I don't remember when.

Do you like it?

Hate it with a passion. Everything made there is so artificial.

Name your favourite coffee shop!

It is called Buna. When I went to Mexico City during Dia de los Muertos celebrations I had their coffee and it was to die for. Their Pan de Muertos was very delicious too and it was great with the coffee.

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?

In the morning. If I try drinking it in the evenings or at night I can never sleep...and that's never a good thing.

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?

I always like to drink my coffee with something either sweet or salty, depending on my mood. Sweet foods more in the afternoons, salty more in the mornings.
I love coffee, I always go for something hot because iced coffee is honestly disgusting.

Starbucks is good.

I enjoy coffee-flavored things. There's a local coffee place in my area that does good monthly special drinks.

I do enjoy drinking it alone.
Oh I DESPISE coffee, but just like seliph (Except for the bells part) I'm posting here to feel included.

What's your go-to coffee order? Didn't I just say I don't like Coffee?

When did you first start liking coffee? ^^^

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it? I have a Starbucks at my local Target, but I never ordered anything there. They have a cute Bullseye Cake Pop at this specific Starbucks Target that I'd love to buy one day.

Name your favourite coffee shop! If it isn't Dunkin Donuts (Because that's the only coffee shop I know) then I don't know any others... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night? I already said I don't like this, but my Mom drinks this stuff Day AND Night.

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone? Bruh...
What's your go-to coffee order?: I usually try whatever new latte-type drink is available at the coffee shop I'm at.

When did you first start liking coffee?: I was in high school? 16 or 17 is when I started drinking it daily.

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?: I tried Starbucks in high school because on marching band trips we always stopped at a rest area with one. I do like it, too much for my wallet's sake. I usually just get it as a once-in-a-while treat.

Name your favourite coffee shop!: I guess chain wise, it's Starbucks. Not a huge Dunkin fan. I also don't have many local coffee ships around me sadly :(

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?: Morning only. Now that I'm in my mid twenties, I've apparently reached the age where a coffee after 4 PM will keep me up until 2 or 3 AM.

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?: I usually have my morning coffee alone and then eat later. If I'm in a rush, I'll drink it with breakfast, but I prefer to enjoy it alone.
1. What's your go-to coffee order?
I guess it depends on where I’m getting my coffee from but it changes here and there depending on what I’m in the mood for. currently it’s either a caramel macchiato or some sort of chia latte with oat milk from Starbucks.

2. When did you first start liking coffee?
I don’t really remember, maybe some time during high school when I got my first job and started working probably.

3. Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
Yeah I get Starbucks every now and then. I don’t remember when I first tried it but I do like it. Granted there are probably better coffee shops out there for less money, but Starbucks are everywhere so it’s more convenient.

4. Name your favourite coffee shop!
I don’t think I have one, I just go wherever is closest at the moment when I need my fix.

5. When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
Mornings usually, sometimes in the afternoon if I really need a pick me up and I have things I still need to do. I try not to drink any past 5pm though.

6. Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
No, I don’t like coffee with my food. I usually drink a cup first thing in the morning and if I’m hungry I’ll eat breakfast afterwards. During the rest of the day if I have coffee it’ll usually be after I finish my meal.
What's your go-to coffee order?
I don't go out to get coffee often but when I do its either Starbucks, Scooters or a local chain. I tend to get a Hot caramel latte of some sort no matter the place. Doesn't even have to be Caramel, just mainly a latte of whatever I'm feeling at that particular time.

When did you first start liking coffee?
Pretty early, sometime before highschool. Though didn't start drinking it regularly until later in highschool.

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
Yep tough to not have tried it with how many locations they have.. It may have been my first ever coffee, I don't remember Lol. I like the "coffee", don't drink it often though.

Name your favourite coffee shop!
I've been having scooters more recently then Starbucks so them.

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
I like to drink coffee in the mornings & if I have to be up late I will drink a second with lunch.

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
I like doing coffee for Breakfest on the weekends but I'm indifferent about eating food with it or having it alone.

As for a normal day I have espresso with a splash of milk, don't mind it without the milk & will occasionally have that. No creamer or sugars for me :coffee:
What's your go-to coffee order?
i love me a good caramel iced coffee uwu

When did you first start liking coffee?
i think high school??

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
i've had it before, i liked their fruit drinks more than their coffee drinks but i've stopped purchasing from them

Name your favourite coffee shop!
tim's... lol no no i really like balzac's coffee!

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
i typically drink it in the afternoon

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
i always have it with a meal
What's your go-to coffee order?
Anything sweet and iced! I usually get an iced pistachio latte when they're in season and caramel otherwise. I never ever drink hot coffee.

When did you first start liking coffee?
Late middle/early high school.

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
I've had them and I like them! I don't buy from them too much aside from when their pistachio is in stock because they're a little overpriced for me. I much prefer buying the International Delight iced coffee and creamers from the grocery store.

Name your favourite coffee shop!
A local shop I don't feel like naming because it would narrow my location too much, haha.

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
Morning and sometimes early evening when I need to stay awake to get work done.

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
I prefer it by itself.
What's your go-to coffee order?
- for starbucks, i usually go for a caramel macchiato but i know that apparently starbucks' caramel macchiato is not the rest of the world's definition of a caramel macchiato lol so i only that at starbucks. i also like the brown sugar shaken espresso. everywhere else, i order either a caramel latte, white mocha, cold brew with some sort of cream/extra cream, or maybe a frappe. and always iced! even in the winter.

When did you first start liking coffee?
- probably started in college when i needed to stay up during lectures early morning after studying all night.

Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
- yep of course!! there's a starbucks basically at every corner. i think starbucks is good. it's convenient and that's good enough for me. i'm not particularly picky about my coffees tbh. i have stopped drinking starbucks lately because of the protest and i'm making my own cold brew at home now.

Name your favourite coffee shop!
- hmm i wouldn't say i have one in particular but one particular standout is from the chain bakery called 85 degrees bakery. i love their sea salt caramel coffee and there was one on the way to work for me before they closed down due to the pandemic sadly.

When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
- anytime!!! coffee doesn't keep me from falling asleep sadly. i drink coffee whenever i feel like having a dessert kind of drink? i tend to like my coffee on the sweet side so it is more like a dessert haha.

Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
- i would say i usually i drink coffee alone. coffee is known to control ur hunger (which is why a lot of people on diets drink black coffee i believe). i don't mind eating breakfast along with getting coffee at some bakery or something like that in the morning though.