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What did you dream about?

Had a dream that I was running from some sorceress and got trapped in an elevator. She caught up with me and stabbed me through the head with an icicle spear, and I died. Then I woke up.
I don't remember the details, but I remember gifting my friend a bouquet of bananas. It was a running joke or something. I forgot about it entirely until I walked through the fruit aisle at M&S this afternoon and saw bananas.
So it was like a bunch of bananas in a paper bag?
I typically don’t really like to share my dreams, but this one was kinda interesting/funny to me, so I decided to share. (I don’t usually share because I feel you share things about yourself without really realizing it!)

Anyway, I had a dream this guy was throwing fireballs into my house. I went outside and told him to stop, and he was like, make me. So I called the police and they were like 🤷‍♂️. Great. Then this guys backs up a truck into my house and he’s drunk. Eventually he drives off and I write down his plate number. It was super realistic, it was my house but there was one added window that he was throwing the fireballs into.
I had a dream about TBT. A new thread had appeared (by an actual user but I won't say who) about a topic that's very personal to me. In the dream I was trying to think of what to say and when I woke up, I was still thinking about it despite the thread not existing.
It was actually a nightmare scenario because the majority of the site would have been making fun of something very important to me.
i had dreamt about the sonic characters but eventually the dream’s story became its own thing without them. i dreamed that the sonic characters were in my backyard and we were leaving.

outside of my gate there was this massive party with around 150-200 people for some reason and we looked like we were on top of an apartment complex despite it being right outside of my house?? A woman there got proposed to by her boyfriend and 200 people basically swarmed the area because they were so happy for her and some started jumping into the nearby pool.

i remember being stuck on this really tall gazebo right beside the pool and i was afraid because i was right about to fall off + i can’t swim well. anyway the engaged woman’s father saved me by letting me hang off of him while swimming and i nonchalantly told him “oh i can’t swim because i have DEPRESSION” when i literally don’t. i have no idea why dream me said that??? and what swimming and depression have to do with each other.
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That I was watching some cartoon where this cat was cornered by a bigger animal near a power generator when some electricity hit the larger animal and made it shrink and turn into a mouse. The cat then chased the mouse towards some structure with a large window and the mouse ran inside but the cat couldn’t follow. The cat then made some threat and the mouse then suddenly talked with Michael Jackson’s voice and said “You wouldn’t like me when I get angry!” And then it turned into Jackson from his Smooth Criminal music video except he ended up underwater and couldn’t escape. The cat just stood there as Jackson screamed from underwater “Help me! I’m drowning!” but the cat couldn’t understand what he was trying to say. The cat then says, “I’m downing? I’m browning? I’m crowning?” and then Michael Jackson drowns and his body was just floating there with the cat still confused as to what he was trying to say. It was pretty hilarious at how random the dream was.
I dreamed there was this old lady I visited in a nursing home and at Christmas she gave me this bizarre looking check and it was also expired. I didn't know if it was a fake Christmas check to help soothe dementia patients who have a habit of giving everything they have away all the time or something. She gave it to me because I visited her that year. It was super colorful with characters from that world's famous cartoons. Like and alternate reality of Disney lol. And it was like 2 billion dollars which I don't think is even possible to have while in a nursing home anyway. She had some checks for her family members but she only gave them a few thousand or a million because she didn't get visits from them but understood she is getting older. That winter wasn't cold. It was warm and rainy instead like spring.
A bunch of political activists tried to rise up and I had to hide in a shed with my phone off, hearing them torturing and killing people. I think it was because I watched Question Time (Weekly British politics tv show) and one of the panel was describing the Hamas attacks in Israel on October 7th. I accidentally saw some of the footage being circulated at the time and it was the most disturbing things I had witnessed. I won't describe any of it here. Weirdly though, it was a whole other unrelated political cause in my dream that had them acting like monsters. But it was probably because I looked at X/twitter before sleeping and saw some absurd and bizarre activism from the cause I dreamed about.
What in the hee-hee 🎶 did I just read??? Hopefully you weren't moonwalking in your sleep either... 😳😳
Nope. The strange thing is Michael was actively trying to escape the water filled box thing and there were bars on the outside of the window. And when he drowned, it was sort of like Sonic drowning in the 2D games and he was just floating there like he was in one of those alien tubes that you see in movies. There was even a light shining underneath him too.
I forgot to post here earlier, so I don’t remember a lot, but I do remember that in a part of my dream, the random thoughts thread was locked by the mods. I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to post there anymore, especially more scared considering this happened right after some users were posting about a recently locked thread (the users are real people on this site, but I think the thread isn’t actually locked), so i thought that had something to do with it. But no, it turned out they were closing it to make a big post, and to make sure no one else would be able to post until it was posted. There was also a part that had something to do with school, but I don’t remember at all what happened.
There was this new mobile game created by Seth McFarlane and I decided to download it and you play as this character who’s basically running these humongous kaiju and the gimmick was that the game could be EXTREMELY loud and there were different settings like “full volume” and “just skip the chameleon scene (first kaiju)” but worded very weirdly and hard to understand so In order to not have my eardrums blasted accidentally I deleted the app. Then someone else was playing it and I had to cover my ears because I was so scared they would play the full noise. When I covered my ears it just sounded like a deep rumble like they were actually stomping around. Then the kaiju looked like they were actually outside in my backyard but I was literally more scared of the noise than the giant enemies (I think they weren’t actually there or it was just like a game with infinite lives). But still. Loud noises >n<
I don't usually remember my dreams, but I did wake up this morning remembering that I dreamt I was in a surgeon's office while he told me what surgery he was going to do on my leg. 😳 My legs are fine you guys. 😭
I just woke up haha..
But I needed to put this down. One day, I'll mention more dreams since I have two book loads.

So, if you don't know. Sometimes with shops, even small bussinesses, get people from companies to come round and see how they're stock is, if they wanna add more; I only know from where I work.
And that's how this dream started, except instead of my shop, the guy came around to my house. He brought a trolley load of different sweets and such, spread them around the living room carpet while me and my mum sat on the sofa.
I remember seeing those kinder chocolate bars, um, probbaly some more british sweet packs. And he was seeing which would be possible to sell at the shop.
And that's when I saw them, Batman chocolate, they were like a long, flat pieces of chocolate and on it would be etched batman poses and such, or one with his batmobile. And in the dream, the nostaliga hit me, because I 'remember' them and hadn't had them as a kid.
I remember in the end, he seemed content and took a pic of what product we thought my boss would want (lol, I even knew in the dream she wouldn't bother getting them anyways) and that's the end of the dream?

Anyways when I woke up just a few mins ago, I quickly checked online, just to be sure that this is what I was notsaglie for, but alas, I couldn't find what I dreamt about...then I realised I might have been thinking of these:

Screenshot 2024-02-22 10.15.18.png
Screenshot 2024-02-22 10.16.01.png

And now I am really wanting to try them again XD

Ah, nearly forgot, I had a second dream, can't pinpoint if it happened before or after the dream above (I wanna say before?)

I was at my work, alone as usual. And this lovely mother and son were there, the younh boy has did his best to draw Edward Eric from fullmental alchemist; but he wanted my help to fix the draw, and colour it in!? He also did the fringe he has a lot straighter, longer like bangs, pushed away from his hair.
So despite not havin the write materials at hand, I did my best to make his picture better, though his mum said I don't have to do much as he wanted to colour more in or something, and I also had to quickly do his hot chocolate for him after XD

I think if you start dreaming of the work you hate, you need to leave XD If you dream about the job you hate, and you're dealing wiht awful customers, that's a sign to run and not look back! XD
The King of the Hill reboot came out and there were all these other episodes that I hadn’t seen yet that were basically a completely different show where everybody was a goofy looking animal and Rocko from Rocko’s modern life made an appearance. And according to the lore Bill went to my high school. Like no, why would he grow up in Texas with his friends? He’s from some random midwestern suburb now. In another part of my dream, I just so happened to walk outside during a meteor shower which was pretty epic and I did a wishing motion like in ACNH. Then someone posted about it on TBT!
I found a book on a bus and when I got off, I overheard Cyndi Lauper crying that she lost her favorite book. I gave it to her and she thanked me over and over again, telling me she read this book every night. It was…a dictionary?
I found a book on a bus and when I got off, I overheard Cyndi Lauper crying that she lost her favorite book. I gave it to her and she thanked me over and over again, telling me she read this book every night. It was…a dictionary?
No way haha there was another part of my dream last night i didn’t mention where I was on a field trip and this girl left some prop on the bus and i think I woke up before i could give it to her XD