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What does 💕February💕 remind you of?


🔮 Pokémon Master 🔮
Dec 13, 2014
Yellow Balloon
Pink Balloon
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Crystal Tree
The month, the word, the concept, what do you immediately think of, when thinking about February? Colours, aesthetics, items, feelings, ANYTHING!

What does February remind you of?
Aquarius comes to mind. It's also the month of my birthday, too. I can't think February without thinking of Valentine's Day. I just wish February can steal a day or two off January and have at least 30 days.
Its a reminder that Im still single, and alone. I'm happy for all my friends, I just hope it will happen to me too one day.
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Well unsurprisingly, Valentine's Day.
I have no idea what it is like to actually celebrate Valentine's Day for the intended reason. I plan to always stay single and don't really mind that. I see hearts and chocolate and think that's cute but I don't really associate it with wanting another person? Because I don't.
I always think of the valentine’s day and valentine’s season, pink and red decorations, the people I love, and the nostalgia surrounding it. Like handing out valentines at school and coming home with all the candy, the mini pink tinsel tree my mom puts out, and those yummy gummy hearts that I still remember from preschool because they were THAT good.

This is also a january thing for me but then and february are also the best time to watch The Office in my opinion.
My mom's birthday is in February so the month always reminds me of her! We also have a holiday (Family Day) in Canada this month so I usually associate February with a break from school/work. I don't personally associate February with Valentine's that much.
I do have some immediate family who have birthdays in this month, but they have always lived in a different country than me, so I’m not used to celebrating it.

Taxes are also something that come straight to my mind when the word February is mentions.
I think of Valentine’s Day and how it’s just an excuse to charge $50 for teddy bears when they cost $3 the rest of the year. The same could be said about any holiday where they jack up the prices of normal items.
Ahh February, makes me think of my chonky, clairvoyant little groundhog friend, Valentine’s Day and this.
my mom's birthday comes to mind!! it was the 3rd. and of course valentine's day! i owe my partner a VR date from LAST year dhjgfdg.
Gray skies, slush, ice storm, icy water in my boots, Carnaval, ice sculpture, hockey pee-wee, parade, black forest cake, Disney special, heart gummies, dumplings and other yummy food.
Forgot to mention the super bowl and how my dad made super yummy chex mix for it when I was a kid. I have no interest in the super bowl but hearing about it always makes me crave chex mix :9 We need to make it again some time ^^
it mainly reminds me of Valentine’s Day (candy, flowers, stuff animals, etc that comes with the celebration) and the color pink. It also reminds me of Chinese New Year since some years it’s in February while other times it’s in January. I have a brother in law whose birthday is in February so there’s that too. I also think of whether or not it will be a leap year, and yes it turns out it is a leap year this year.

I almost forgot, Bill Murray in Groundhog Day also something February reminds me of.
February to me is my mom's birthday, Valentine's Day (so lot's of romance and hearts! ) and my birthday. :)

Even though I'm single, I still enjoy a nice romantic movie, show (episode of my favorite characters falling for someone) or book. I love the warmth of it all.

Also it's still a bit chilly out and still doesn't snow here 😔.
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February reminds me of Valentine's and sometimes Carnaval. Valentine's is the more obvious one though. I never really liked Valentine's and even though I am married now, me and my husband don't really celebrate it either. Its a good marketing day though. Since I live in Latin America there are some countries that celebrate Carnaval, including my own. I've been to one only once. Trinidad and Brazil have the better ones.
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I was born in February as was my partner so always enjoy celebrating our birthdays! I am a poet and often post my poetry online but February is not good 😅 so much terrible love poetry… I am a dark poet & love poetry is not my thing. February reminds me of bad poetry 🙈