What's your favorite mobile game?

i used to love tiny wings on the iphone many many many years ago. lately i've been playing crossword puzzles on my phone but sometimes i play a game called i love hue. you have a gradient of color tiles that gets shuffled up and then you have to sort them back to gradient again. it's kinda tedious but so so fun.
Traffic Rush and Piano tiles. I go nuts over those games. I don't have them on my phone though. I try not to play them.
I do like other games too but I try to stay very far away from them since they involve real money and my self control rapidly decreases when I open the apps up.
Tower Defense games like Bloons Tower Defense 6 and Kingdom Rush. I go through periodic phases of being utterly addicted to them. BTD 6 was part of my morning routine at on point.
Pokemon Go. It's the app I generally open multiple times throughout the day, the one constant since July 5th 2016. Beyond that, I "play" Pikmin Bloom as well, lately I've been getting back into Granblue Fantasy and Pokemon Masters EX, because I need two more forms of gacha in my life.
i recently got back into bakery story again 🤭
i used to religiously place it back in in high school but it's such an easy, simple game that gets my mind off things lol you just bake things and run your little bakery
I'm not heavily into mobile games but I enjoy Niantic games mainly Pokemon Go and Ingress. I've had lots of interesting irl experiences because of those especially with Ingress. I might like Pokemon Go more though since it's easier to play at home and has more stuff to do. I'd like to find more phone games that aren't full of ads or gatcha stuff, just can't get into those.
Right now my favorite is Genshin Impact. Other favorites that I’m taking a long break from are: One Piece Treasure Cruise & Last Cloudia. 🙂 Neko atsume is a good non gacha game though sadly there aren’t any more updates for it.
I play Pokemon Go and Pocket Camp daily (and Animal Jam please don't judge me too hard lol)
I have other games in my library, but I haven't really stuck with them. I really like runners and things with little to no ads.
I have Runescape and Minecraft mobile but I prefer to stick with the desktop version of those.
The mobile game I play the most is Pokémon Go but I don't think I would consider it my favorite mobile game.. it almost doesn't feel like a game to me at this point if that makes sense?

If I'm on my iPad, it would be Rollercoaster Tycoon. Could spend a whole day playing that game. I remember enjoying Old School Runescape on iPad as well but I haven't played it in SO LONG

If I'm on my phone, hmmm.. probably Snake honestly. It's a basic black and white version of Snake, sometimes I like to listen to music and play Snake and just zone outttt.
I almost never play mobile games anymore, but I do have a soft spot for Cytus 2 even if the translation for the story is really bad and the song packs are overpriced unless there's a sale. The core gameplay is really addicting and challenging to master and unlike most other rhythm games has an actual story. The song choices are mainly electronic, which is typical for a lot of rhythm games, but are mostly pretty decent quality. I appreciate it's not 100% anime or electronic songs like so many other rhythm games.
Now that I think about it, most of the mobile games I play are Sonic games, which probably isn’t surprising. The ports (Sonic 1, 2, and CD) are my favorite mobile games and are the second best way to play them (the best way is through Sonic Origins since it has more content). The port of Sonic Mania Plus that you can only play on Netflix is inferior to the console version and I have both, but if you have it on Xbox or PlayStation and want to play it on the go, then I guess it’s good, especially since you can connect a controller to make the controls better. I don’t have the Sonic Dash games anymore, but they’re also fun time wasters, the Sonic 4 games are still mid since they’re a port of mid games, and then there’s Sonic Forces Speed Battle. If you like your sanity, don’t play this game. Or just stop playing when you get to a high rank, because that’s when it gets infuriating.
Slay the Spire is the best, also every other indie title ported from PC to mobile. But StS is an ideal game to play on your phone.

A colleague recommended me Nonogram Katana which is a lot of fun and something that doesn't take 5 minutes to load, which is much more fun to just play "a round" when you feel like it. I'm not like the biggest nonogram fan, but the usermade levels are a lot better and the game offers you so much progression and side content like fighting in a dungeon that you keep coming back every day to keep going.

Other than that I also play Pokémon Go. Been playing since release date and keep it very casual.

And not really a game game, but I also play NYT Games everyday. More specifically Connections, Wordle and The Mini. If I ever make it through all the free crossword puzzles I'll probably subscribe to the premium option. The app also has Sudoku, but when I have my phone I can also like browse the internet? I love Sudoku but I haven't felt the need to play it ever since I got access to the internet. It's just long.