Recent content by Blood Eclipse

  1. Blood Eclipse

    How to you not get bored of something?

    It's studying mostly (any form). (I want a better future for myself & financial independence. also to move as far away from my family as possible.) Just starting is hard enough, and I get easily distracted by everything. It's hard to describe the feeling. I could stare at a blank wall for hours...
  2. Blood Eclipse

    What are you craving right now?

    Something sweet 😔😫
  3. Blood Eclipse

    If you had the ability to travel through time, would you go into the past or the future?

    I'd probably have once said the future, but lately I've been wanting to travel back in time to prevent certain things from happening that should've never been. 🙂 Too bad time traveling backwards (at least in the sense it's usually portrayed) is an impossible feat for a variety of complicated...
  4. Blood Eclipse

    what exercise do you do and how often?

    Everyday because you have to be active everyday. 3 Times a week, I'll lift weights every other day cardio, walking or house chores.
  5. Blood Eclipse

    How to you not get bored of something?

    There's something I'm trying to learn rn, and I've been at it for 4-5 months, myb, but I'm already bored of it and just can't find the motivation to do it, even when I force myself. When I force myself through it, I find myself easily irritated or just shutting down, losing focus and unable to...
  6. Blood Eclipse

    Random Art Thread [Blood Eclipse]

    •Random 01/24/2023 Daydreaming/Spacing Out ?
  7. Blood Eclipse

    Random Art Thread [Blood Eclipse]

    •Shino (Gifting a Pikachu plush) 01/22/2023 (can't sleep ^^)
  8. Blood Eclipse

    Random Art Thread [Blood Eclipse]

    • Random Art 01/20/2023 [1] [2] [3] Just a random art. Took photos as I added more details in case I messed up somewhere in between. (Not good at shading or drawing fabric wrinkles. Too tired to add more details; too bored to come back to the same art again.💧)
  9. Blood Eclipse

    What Music Do You Like to Listen to?

    Lately, I've been into heavy metal. (Wonder how long it'll last?) I find it helps give me the energy I need to get priorities out the way without caffeine and the extra unneeded anxiety.
  10. Blood Eclipse

    A Cure For Autism: Your stance?

    If there were a cure, I'd take it. Adhd, autism, etc aren't cute or quirky character traits. Like any other mental disorder, it makes life harder to deal with. Not many get it or care to, even if you try educating them. If a cure changes who I am (whatever that is), so be it. It's like refusing...
  11. Blood Eclipse

    Random Art Thread [Blood Eclipse]

    • Boyd 01/11/2023
  12. Blood Eclipse

    Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?

    Cat person ᵔ ֊ ᵔ my current ginger. though she acts more like a dog
  13. Blood Eclipse

    2023 (Soon) Has Your Stance On Curse Words Changed?

    I think I once defended the use. I must've become more soft since then as now I'm less inclined to say yes, unless it's censored, but only if it applies towards myself. I could care less what others say or do.