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Hiya! I read your user title and first off I would like to say that I play Pokemon too! Now, I ask this to anyone I come across who likes Pokemon... Any thoughts on the superb Kitakami resident who goes by the name of Kieran?
sending you love and hugs, i’m so sorry you’re hurting right now 🫂💗
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I appreciate it xara, I really need it right now. It hurts so bad but I’m sure I’ll be okay. Thank you for thinking of me 💕
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you will be okay, i promise. maybe not today or tomorrow, but i swear this won’t hurt forever. let yourself feel your feelings and do what you need to do to start to heal, but don’t forget that you’re wonderful and deserving of love and kindness, and this hurt does not define your value. take care of yourself the best you can ❤️
I don’t know the gender of a collectible if it’s in another member’s possession, but all of my balloon collectibles are male. The apple that usually lands in the same sidebar as the ghost kitty is female (it’s Kaylee the Apple).
Just dropping by to say that Char is cute and I wanna hug 'em! I'm not sure they'll like it, though...
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Ahh, thank you! Char is one of my favorite OCs, so it's nice to hear that other people like them. c:
(And don't worry - Char may look mean and angry, but hugs are always welcome, hehe.)