Recent content by Boccages

  1. Boccages

    Analysis : when should we expect Animal Crossing 6?

    With the Switch 2 launching now in March 2025, I could see Animal Crossing 6 following in 2026.
  2. Boccages

    Have you ever played AC Pocket Camp?

    Graphics suck, even for a phone game. My iPhone can run Resident Evil 4. Comon ! The art direction is also pretty bland. The gameplay hook also sucks. It's a collect-a-ton with lots of loading screen and lots of waiting unless you want to pay for in-game currency. Overall, even as a phone game...
  3. Boccages

    Have you ever played AC Pocket Camp?

    Yes, and it sucks.
  4. Boccages

    Least favourite feature in the entire series so far?

    I hate the rolling log effect they've used since Wild World to make it look like we live on a tiny planet. It's just a cheap trick to limit the draw distance, and the number of things the system has to render on screen.
  5. Boccages

    Which AC game did you play the most and least?

    City Folk is my least played game for sure. I think it was released only 2 years or 3 years after Wild World, so there wasn't that much added to City Folk in terms of features. It had better graphics, it had more villagers, a "city" square you could visit, but it was a pretty bland upgrade. It...
  6. Boccages

    Top reasons why ACNH is better than ACNL and vice versa

    ACNH > ACNL Way better graphics Better overall art direction Choosing where to place buildings and moving other buildings Most coherent theme yet (island) More interactions with the villagers (i.e. Animal neighbours) and dialogues Villagers seem more lifelike, and will have more environmental...
  7. Boccages

    What are your hopes for the next Animal Crossing game?

    Oh dear god ! Please do away with the rolling log effect that is only there to give the impression of distance while limiting render distance. I think they could use Zelda's camera point of view. We are good now, the Nintendo DS days are behind us, we don't need cheap tricks to make us believe...
  8. Boccages

    Analysis : when should we expect Animal Crossing 6?

    I will get that game day 1. New Horizons was complete enough when it released so we all enjoyed it. And updates came in so quickly afterwards that it kept the experience fun, and novel enough for 2-3 years. But let’s not hijack this conversation with a different topic. Let’s keep it to what...
  9. Boccages

    What were your predictions and ideas for "Animal Crossing Switch" before New Horizons was properly shown off/revealed? How many of them were right?

    I remember I said three things specifically as I didn’t have much interest in listing « more furniture stuff ». I wanted Nintendo to do away with the rolling log effect that has been plaguing this series since Wild World. That was a miss, but it might be AC6 where that happens. ❌ I said we’d...
  10. Boccages

    Analysis : when should we expect Animal Crossing 6?

    This guy really put much efforts into making an interesting analysis as to when we should expect the next mainline entry of our favorite franchise. I usually don’t like clickbait videos that are based on speculation, but this is too notch arguments right there. He also took footage from that...
  11. Boccages

    With the rumors of Switch 2… Do you think a new AC could be in development?

    Actually, I'm thinking the next AC game is 2025 bound. Maybe for Christmas 2025.
  12. Boccages

    Thoughts on Coco?

    Creepy, and a hard pass for me.
  13. Boccages

    With the rumors of Switch 2… Do you think a new AC could be in development?

    Actually I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo was to tease the next Animal Crossing game when they unveil their next console this spring. It might not be in-game footage, but only an AC logo. I think it's fair to assume that the main Splatoon 3 team has been reallocated to work on the next AC...
  14. Boccages

    Thoughts on the robot villagers?

    I hate them. I would get rid of them. They aren't cute or endearing, or even animals.