Recent content by cornimer

  1. cornimer

    Live Action Disney

    I'm not a fan of Disney live-action remakes. I don't see the point of re-watching an animated movie in live-action; I'd rather just re-watch the original animated version. I wish they'd stop making so many live-action remakes :p
  2. cornimer

    🍿Get Your Popcorn!🍿

    I haven't heard of most of the flavours in the poll lmao. When I eat popcorn at home I usually just put chili powder on it to add more flavour + a kick of spice. That being said, jalapeno cheddar popcorn sounds delicious.
  3. cornimer

    Do you like public transit?

    I used to take public transit frequently and didn't mind it (other than how long it took to get places), but several recent events that happened aboard my local public transit system have made me wary of taking it. Thankfully I work from home most of the time and can avoid it.
  4. cornimer

    Buying  2 pink tulips from 2024 event

    No time to participate in this event but if anyone has pink tulips to sell then name your price and I'll buy them!
  5. cornimer

    Popular Movies You Don't Care About.

    Honestly, you could name any popular Hollywood live-action film and there's a 99.999% chance I either haven't seen it or didn't like it/had a neutral opinion at best. The only two types of films I enjoy watching are animated films and films with musical numbers. Everything else bores me. These...
  6. cornimer

    Dressing Up Fancy

    I'm not a huge fan of formalwear. I always feel stressed when I have to dress up because I never know what to wear. I don't like wearing dresses/skirts at all, so as much as possible I try to wear a dress shirt + blazer + dress pants when I have to dress up - but sometimes I have trouble...
  7. cornimer

    What is the sign that you've stayed up too late?

    Usually I don't realize it until the next day, when I can't think straight at all. A couple weeks ago, I was up until 3am and then the next day I could not even concentrate on simple tasks like sending an email. That's when I really knew I overdid it.
  8. cornimer

    Do you prefer breakfast for dinner, or dinner for breakfast?

    Seems to be an unpopular opinion in this thread, but I prefer dinner for breakfast! I frequently eat dinner leftovers for breakfast the next day. I'm not a huge fan of traditional "breakfast food" so dinner for breakfast is more appealing to me.
  9. cornimer

    Introvert or Extrovert?

    I thought I was an introvert for years, but lately I've been thinking (and someone close to me agrees) that I'm really just a shy ambivert. Given the choice between having alone time or spending time with people I love, I'll always choose being with people I love. I could be around my favourite...
  10. cornimer

    What are your preferred hours to work?

    I work from home, so I can pick any hours I want (and I have indeed worked at pretty much all hours of the day!) As much as I never want to get up early, I do find that I'm most productive in the morning, so these days I'm trying to start work by 9 am every day.
  11. cornimer

    TBT's Fourth Egg Decorating Contest Winners!

    Congrats to all the winners!! These were 4 of my favourite entries, so happy for you all and amazing amazing work 🩷 💚
  12. cornimer

    Have you visited any Disney Parks?

    I went to Disney World (Florida) once as a kid. We went to Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom and Epcot. I remember Epcot being my favourite for some reason. It was a really great trip and I've always wanted to go back but haven't yet!
  13. cornimer

    Favorite childhood TV show?

    Younger childhood (2-6) Sesame Street Dora the Explorer Blues Clues Bear in the Big Blue House Kleo the Misfit Unicorn Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat Magic School Bus Timothy Goes to School Bob the Builder I could name dozens of others, but I feel like those were the ones I watched/liked the...
  14. cornimer

    collectible tier list 2.0 ★

    Some recent transactions I never posted: -Sold a disco ball egg for 7K tbt (maaay have been able to get more for it, but I wasn't sure where the pricing would settle given the re-release and 7K was enough for me) -Bought an angel wings potion for 900 tbt -Sold an aurora sky for 10K tbt
  15. cornimer

    What are your go to comfort TV shows or movies?

    TV Shows Friends (every time it's on TV I can't help but sing along with the theme song and sit down to watch) Community (only seasons 1-3 and 6 though) Movies High School Musical 3 (this is the epitome of comfort content for me. I've watched it so many times since I was a kid, and yet I...