Recent content by Dunny County

  1. Dunny County

    what is your favourite weed? 🍀

    Ohhhhh I thought it said "word" not "weed" and I was coming on to tell you it. :(
  2. Dunny County

    Bunny Day

    If you have to ask, then it isn't - because trust me, they know. ...they know.
  3. Dunny County

    Bunny Day

    As someone with a strong dislike of both rabbits and eggs, I hate Bunny Day. (PS This isn't true, this is a coded message aimed at someone on this forum. They know who they are and they know full well what I'm referring to when I say rabbits and eggs and Bunny Day.)
  4. Dunny County

    Themed Restaurants

    How dare you, I took that realistic photograph myself.
  5. Dunny County

    Themed Restaurants

    I found a lion king themed restaurant, but it's in Hull.
  6. Dunny County

    Themed Restaurants

    I would also like to see a Lion King themed restaurant in the UK, whilst it is unlikely I would ever visit it personally (only being a casual fan of the movie) I would still feel better knowing that there was at least one out there.
  7. Dunny County

    I miss the OG cast

    I used to write fan-fic about the pelicans, but I can barely bring myself to do it anymore.
  8. Dunny County

    Place your random thoughts.

    No, you're thinking of tightrope walkers. I saw a ghost in shoes once - though ironically it was the ghost of a tightrope walker. So that just goes to show you.
  9. Dunny County

    Have you seen more AI?

    So I copied all the posts on this thread and pasted it into chatgtp4 and told it to "Draw an image to accompany this forum discussion" - and this is what it produced. I believe it to be mocking us.
  10. Dunny County

    Place your random thoughts.

    Everytime I am out and about and I see a dustbin, I always sing a little song in my head, "Good afternoon, Sir Dustbin, Let me pass without happenstance." - I don't know when this started or why, but I can tell you that in all the years I've walked past dustbins, i have never experienced any...
  11. Dunny County

    Songs that make you feel nostalgic?

    My Dad passed away nearly ten years ago now. I still can't listen to this song without crying.
  12. Dunny County

    Have you seen more AI?

    That's a good name. Let's call him Norm.
  13. Dunny County

    Place your random thoughts.

    I've been bonked. I've had beans thrown at me. But I still have no hammer.
  14. Dunny County

    Place your random thoughts.

    I still wish I had a hammer.