Recent content by Hirsch

  1. Hirsch

    do you hate or like or love that Pokémon?

    like it, but classic Raichu is better imo Lugia?
  2. Hirsch

    Any Villagers you have beef with or hate?

    look, it doesn't matter how pretty Julian is if all he's gonna do is sell me fake paintings and common furniture at almost thrice the price, put the gifts i give him up for sale at re-tail, and then be arrogant about it when i say goodbye because he decided to move towns 2 days ago... so he...
  3. Hirsch

    What Are You Listening To?

    black jeans white t-shirt by tommy cash. how are ppl embedding spotify on here
  4. Hirsch

    Artwork Music-Related Patterns

    here is another one: Tomorrow's Modern Boxes this is like, my favorite album of all time, and it was relatively easy to make. i'm considering doing other Thom Yorke stuff since Anima is 75% text and Suspiria is 2 colors, but i tried making The Eraser and it was terrifyingly complex so idk if...
  5. Hirsch

    What are you hoping for in the next animal crossing game?

    that's very true and kinda crazy you can't do that yet considering there's a cell phone item that both you, villagers and special characters all have, and you could call someone to ask where they're at, in theory. i don't play new horizons anymore, i only did for a very short time, so im mostly...
  6. Hirsch

    What are you hoping for in the next animal crossing game?

    i would be a deer! i made my own villager character like that ages ago. but to be honest it would be super exciting if they added new species to the game, like bats, or ferrets, or something. so maybe that's not ALL I was hoping for in the end haha i think that it wouldn't be too difficult to...
  7. Hirsch

    What are you hoping for in the next animal crossing game?

    i really hope they'll let you be the animal... that's all
  8. Hirsch

    Artwork  Music-Related Patterns

    (obligatory "i'm new here and i'm sorry if anything about this post is irregular") probably my favorite thing to do in animal crossing is to re-create album artwork and hang it up around the house so it resembles vinyl sleeves or something. here's some Radiohead related stuff i made recently...