Recent content by Milleram

  1. Milleram

    Team Cheer Creations - Window Four Open!

    As we near the end We will not ever give up Ha-Cha will prevail!
  2. Milleram

    Team Cheer Creations - Window Four Open!

    Still have five days left Plenty of time to win it Keep going Ha-Cha!
  3. Milleram

    Team Cheer Creations - Window Four Open!

    Just like Princess Peach Our great team will wear the crown Ha-Cha for the win!
  4. Milleram

    Team Cheer Creations - Window Four Open!

    I crocheted a tiny number 3 while we wait for a name:
  5. Milleram

    Team Cheer Creations - Window Four Open!

    We always win Splat Covering the ground with ink Colours all around Mario Kart 8 It's a game we always win Always come in first We can win Smash too Never enter Sudden Death Our foes go flying
  6. Milleram

    TBT’s Fourth Egg Decorating Contest

    I made a speckled egg for this year's contest! I rolled my egg around in dyed rice to get the texture.
  7. Milleram

    TBT's Twelfth Annual Easter Egg Hunt (Answers Posted!)

    I'm still having trouble with Egg 10. Is anyone able to provide another hint? Edit: Nvm, found it!
  8. Milleram

    TBT's Twelfth Annual Easter Egg Hunt (Answers Posted!)

    Woot, finally found my first solo egg! I can't believe how poorly I'm doing this year. XD Not giving up just yet, though!