Recent content by Shawna

  1. Shawna

    What Are You Happy About Today?

    * In NewLeaf, Apollo sent me a letter telling me he appreciated all that I do for him. :,3 * Had Wendy's for lunch. * Tomorrow, I will be going to my paternal grandparent's house for a multi-in-1 celebration: My birthday (which is on June 9th), my dad's birthday (June 11th), my brother...
  2. Shawna

    last person to post wins

    I have a message from Jeremy - He said this thread will lock after this post.
  3. Shawna

    Think of a last name for the Animal Crossing villagers

    Skye Bleu 🩵🩵🩵 Apollo?
  4. Shawna

    ask the below user a question!

    Art. Creativity is vital for my right-brained self. Ironically, I hated high school English, on the other hand, because it was mostly about reading and analyzing these old, boring-ass stories that I was never interested in. Worst subject in school?
  5. Shawna

    Poorly describe the villager above you!

    A brown cow, like a burger patty is. Rooney?
  6. Shawna

    Do you like Isabelle's announcements?

    ^ I do not blame you. I miss Nook's announces in the early game.
  7. Shawna

    Do you like Isabelle's announcements?

    I don’t mind the ones that are actually talking about things going on on the island. They’re actually useful. ^^ It’s the ones that are like “oh I found my sock”, “ Oh, I finished my crossword puzzle.” that piss me off. -.-
  8. Shawna

    What do you hope to see in the future AC games?

    Similar to what a previous poster said, I would love more in-depth interactions with the villagers. Building friendships is my favorite aspect of Animal Crossing. I want to see a bigger variety of dialogue. Like most of the dialogue has been, a lot of it can be typical dialogue said...
  9. Shawna

    Give the above user an alternate username!

  10. Shawna

    ask the below user a question!

    No, thankfully. I'm not a pet person, TBH. Though my dad and my brother LOVE dogs. Yay, conflict. Any plans this weekend?
  11. Shawna

    ask the below user a question!

    if I remember correctly, I think it was a dog named Max. Speaking of, do you currently have any pets?
  12. Shawna

    What's Bothering You?

    I live in Texas too, so I know how disastrous it’s been. .-.
  13. Shawna

    Does It Scare You?

    Nah. Going deaf?
  14. Shawna

    Give the above user an alternate username!

  15. Shawna

    What's Bothering You?

    I can relate to an extent. My brother can be a cool and awesome dude, but there are times where he is EXTREMELY ignorant and insensitive towards me (e.g. about my sensory issues, about my discomfort around dogs, etc.). I certainly do not want to cut contact with him, but I am looking forward...