Recent content by VillageDuck

  1. VillageDuck

    Want to create EU-based friend group

    Hi guys! Sorry I've been busy for a few days so haven't monitored this thread (nor this site - I love the new design!) Maybe we should organise a little in-island get-together as a meet'n'greet? Maybe a catalogue swapping party? This might be a good idea once we get going, though I'll warn I try...
  2. VillageDuck

    Does anyone else here speak Russian?

    Really wish I did - I love the sounds of Russian and other Slavic languages... it has a lot of component sounds that I imagine have a really fun 'mouth-feel' when speaking (yes that's a culinary term but it applies to language as well damnit!) Struggling my way through learning Japanese is as...
  3. VillageDuck

    ACNH is stressful

    You have to adopt a mindset of enjoying the moment, with the potential to do something more long-term later. All of the super-impressive layouts you see online are almost certainly a result of time travelling - there hasn't been enough time since launch for 'legit' players to unlock everything...
  4. VillageDuck

    Want to create EU-based friend group

    Great! Thank you both for swinging by - I've sent a Switch friend request to you both. (Maxibradders - I received two out-of-the-blue friend requests yesterday so let me know which one is yours and I'll accept it) Very kind! What fruit do you have? Same offer goes from me to everyone else here...
  5. VillageDuck


    Oh and I just opened the pink gift bag - huge thank you for that too. That was really thoughtful.
  6. VillageDuck


    What a lovely little time that was. Thank you again!
  7. VillageDuck


    Did you anger some wasps today by chance? :P
  8. VillageDuck


    Get off your darn NookPhones until everyone has arrived, people! I can't get in. lightning edit - aaaaand en-route! See you cats shortly!
  9. VillageDuck


    What a great idea! I'd love to participate please. EDIT - have loaded 10 unique items into my pockets. Just so I'm clear on how this works, we arrive and find a patch to dump the 10 items, then go around picking up then immediately putting back down the items others are dumping? And that brief...
  10. VillageDuck

    Turnips are 358 bells! (and Saharah is here :3)

    Thanks a bundle for letting me swing by! I was the dapper chappie named Ducky.
  11. VillageDuck

    92 bells for turnips, sunny morning in the northern hemisphere

    Thank you HElizaJ for hosting me! It was my first time visiting someone so it was appreciated. I dropped some money off near resident services. Which one of you sent me a friend request? It's going to go un-approved until you reveal yourself!
  12. VillageDuck

    92 bells for turnips, sunny morning in the northern hemisphere

    Holy hell how is anyone meant to do anything when visiting an island? First time I've used a DODO code and I can't walk two paces without the game pausing for people arriving or leaving! But I'm here and (veeeeery slowly) trying to find everyone.
  13. VillageDuck

    92 bells for turnips, sunny morning in the northern hemisphere

    Hiya! I'm gonna pop over if that's okay. I'm Ducky from Amiticia.
  14. VillageDuck

    Want to create EU-based friend group

    My island is far from pretty myself, so no worries there! Have dropped you a PM. Glad to hear you're loving your first Animal Crossing experience!
  15. VillageDuck

    Thread Deleted

    Hi there! I'm really sorry to hear about your growing panic and anxiety. Would you mind sharing how long ago you began to experience this? Has it only just recently become so bad as to prevent you doing everyday activities? Quitting anything cold turkey isn't advisable, from simple stuff to...