Recent content by Y2K1

  1. Y2K1

    @Zinnia. @Doo @rocketspruggs @Seastar @Xara sorry for the late reply but thank you all so much...

    @Zinnia. @Doo @rocketspruggs @Seastar @Xara sorry for the late reply but thank you all so much for the birthday wishes!! it means a lot <3
  2. Y2K1

    Main Street Villagers

    omg i hate to reply to a post from literally 8 years ago but i'm having this issue rn too TT__TT but mine started happening when I changed my main console to a pre-used acnl one, or at least that's when i started noticing this
  3. Y2K1

    city folk absolutely yes! however, whenever i play I play it on emulator on PC, and use AC...

    city folk absolutely yes! however, whenever i play I play it on emulator on PC, and use AC Toolkit to skip the early game grind and build my town out - but this is only because I've played the vanilla base game so much. i can't speak much for wild world as its not one of my favourites, but city...
  4. Y2K1

    Buck's New Leaf Appreciation Stable!

    so cute!! ive had buck in my acnl town since i started in 2013 and gifted him a team ntdo tee and he loved it so much he mailed me his photo!! (which i already have 😅)
  5. Y2K1

    ✰⋆ Animal Crossing Art Archive ⋆✰

    Hi all! I've been an Animal Crossing fan since roughly 2008-2009, and online and posting art since 2011-2012. I thought I'd share some of my Animal Crossing art throughout the timeline with you guys, mostly just for nostalgia sake, as well as some of my more recent stuff 💚 This thread might also...
  6. Y2K1

    Veteran Player New to This Forum!

    new leaf is my favourite too! i feel like the gameplay loop is a lot more rewarding than the other titles, especially new horizons. kinda disappointing in retrospect.
  7. Y2K1

    intro | new here kinda

    wow super late reply but i dont check here much! oops! my favourite villager is daisy, but i also love my other villagers lol
  8. Y2K1

    Coming back to city folk.

    no problem and also sorry for late reply lol! i actually did manage to get actoolkit from somebody else, it works perfectly fine on my windows 10 PC though! if you dm/link me that other save editor it would be much appreciated C: thanks
  9. Y2K1

    Official Dream Address Thread ☾ V.2

    C City ☾ 6D00-01EB-8CA5 ☾ Kayleigh Non-Themed Town ☾ A small cozy village with a lot of love put into it. More Info: My town of over ten years, with roughly over 400 hours put into it! I'd love to get some final dream visits before April 8th, and to visit all of your towns too! Much love to...
  10. Y2K1

    Coming back to city folk.

    sorry for replying to such an old thread but where did you get your map editor from? looking for one for my emulated save but the ACtoolkit website is blocked by my browser/antivirus and i dont want to risk getting anything dodgy. thanks!!
  11. Y2K1

    Your most happiest acnl moment

    probably when i built my flower clock and when my first jacobs ladder grew! it was probably only a month or two into playing my game but 12 y/o me felt so so happy :')
  12. Y2K1

    intro | new here kinda

    thanks! its been very on/off lurking though haha, mostly just looking for tips and tricks back in the wii days. i've had it since i was 12! it means a lot to me, and has been through a lot with me and thanks :) i love splatoon as well, pearl is one of my favourite characters 1691779805 omg...
  13. Y2K1

    intro | new here kinda

    i've unlocked all the high street stuff(only recently got the fortune shop :0) but my town tree isn't maxxed out yet! or my home mortgage either but im working on it @_@ lol, maybe in 10 years time there will still be more stuff to do. my fossils are completed. but every other musuem section...
  14. Y2K1

    intro | new here kinda

    hiya im leigh!! i've been lurking this website for a really reallyyyy long time (13+ years?) but didn't actually make an account until last year. i love animal crossing and actively play acnl - i've been maintaining the same town for 10 years now! my first AC game was city folk (let's go to the...