Recent content by yunglaney

  1. yunglaney

    Hi i'm Laney and I just started a new island! Seeking fruit too!

    for sure sticking around!! so glad I found this community :')
  2. yunglaney

    Hi i'm Laney and I just started a new island! Seeking fruit too!

    Hey! Thank you for the welcome :) haven't quite gotten the help yet but crossing my fingers! I've been playing AC since I was a kid on my DS, and loved the Wii version of AC.. even played pocket camp lol! No particular favorites yet but ill keep you updated! <3
  3. yunglaney

    Trading New Island - need Coconut, Oranges, Pears, and Peaches!

    yes I am! 1714344606 waiting to get your friend rq rn and then ill hit the airport! do you want to come to my island or should I go to yours?
  4. yunglaney

    Hi i'm Laney and I just started a new island! Seeking fruit too!

    My friend code is Friend Code: SW-2046-0431-0737 & i'm looking for other players to help me get: >Coconut >Oranges >Pears >Peaches Super excited to get back into the game and play with new people!
  5. yunglaney

    Trading  New Island - need Coconut, Oranges, Pears, and Peaches!

    Came back to the game after a long hiatus and i'm looking to get myself set up with all the fruit! I have apples to trade, and my cherry trees are still growing! Still need: >Coconut >Oranges >Pears >Peaches Friend Code: SW-2046-0431-0737