A fruit you'd love to see in the games?

To echo as others have said in this thread, different types of berries, berry bushes would be nice (strawberries and raspberries especially). I'd also like to see pineapples, always thought that would've been a good tropical/island fruit to include.
I agree with fruit others have said, especially berries. We already have flower bushes, why not just sprinkle in some berry bushes!

I also think watermelon and dragonfruit would be wonderful. Maybe even starfruit or longan!
give me pineapples

do not give me grapes again, unless they're not on trees anymore
I think grapes would be cool as a vine plant. I think pineapples are more of a bush and don't grow on trees though. It would probably still work as a tree fruit because a lot of people don't know they actually don't grow on trees.
This will never happen since this fruit is too obscure and mostly only found in Oregon and Washington, but if they added marionberries that grew in bushes I would lose it. If you haven't heard of them, they're a unique type of blackberries that taste amazing in marionberry pie and ice cream.