Favorite Online or Offline Memory of New Leaf?


Green slime is a mean crime.
Apr 11, 2023
As online servers come to a close today, I thought it would be the right time to go ahead and create this thread now...so, what is your favorite memory of New Leaf, whether it involved playing online, or not?

For me, I personally liked going to Tortimer's Island to keep playing the minigames enough, 'til I earned enough medals to purchase some mermaid furniture, which doesn't require online connection.
I dream-hopped a lot. I enjoyed seeing how people decorated their towns to certain themes and they have served as inspiration for my unfinished one. Most of the towns I discovered were through the dream tours by jvgs, but I also used a search engine and got good results too. I especially remember that popular creepy town (I think it was called Aika or something)... Not sure how that could stay standing in a family-friendly game.
I really liked visiting the Club Tortimer islands and catching fish or decorating it while talking to people. I also loved playing with other hackers and trying out wacky things with them, like making labyrinths and puzzles out of trees or exploring stuff out of bounds. I made so many good friends and we had a lot of fun! I wish I could've been there to say goodbye to everyone.
It's too hard to a single best online memory, but my favorite offline memory was hunting for a tarantula. It was the last bug that I needed, and it took many many summers to find it. I finally caught it last year and I was very proud and relieved :]