favorite ways to show/receive affection or appreciation to/from your loved ones?


Poyo Puffs
May 2, 2015
Orange Heart Balloon
Perfect Peach
Perfect Peach
Perfect Peach
Perfect Peach
Yellow Heart Balloon
what are your favorite ways to show and receive love?

my favorite ways to show affection or appreciation:
- cooking for them
- picking up something that I think they'll like to eat

and my favorite ways to receive affection or appreciation:
- spending 1:1 time with me and giving me their undivided attention
- randomly calling or texting to check in and say they thought of me / randomly recalling something I said or a detail about me
- respects that I enjoy my hobbies, and even better if they take an interest in and starting partaking in them!
- and of course, cooking for me as well!
Favorite way of showing is either through words or gift-giving.

Favorite way of receiving is through words or touch.
my favorite ways of showing:
- physical touch
- making a playlist of songs that remind me of them ๐Ÿฅน
- writing them love letters/text paragraphs
- i also really like giving the other person little notes with hearts on them or writing โ€œi love youโ€

my favorite ways of receiving:
- physical touch
- reassurance/words of affirmation
- (just a lil) gift giving, nothing too expensive, literally could just be a rock they found in the street just cus it reminded them of me and iโ€™d keep it forever ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Meaningful gifts. I always listen to my friends and give them very specific gifts, sadly I never got love returned like that. :<

My parents show their love via food. But mostly it was an apology gift, so yay for emotional eating? Haha. We're not really a touchy or loving family, kinda sucks.
when it comes to showing affection, i LOVE giving gifts. i don't give anything thoughtless if i can, i make sure it fits them to a tee. will this fit in their home? can they use it practically, or if not, could i see them displaying this somewhere? i buy my sister stuff she can use for work that have a personalized twist on them- she's a nurse, and she loves badge reels and fancy stethoscopes. i bought her a rose gold stethoscope right around COVID times and she still has it.

when it comes to receiving???? none idk i hate it when people perceive me but i also love quality time so idk! conversation? talking to me about thing i like without being like "wtf" is probably good. i dont like gifts, hate it when family touches me, i'm not a very outwardly sentimental person, like... idk. if you take me to go get coffee with you then i'll assume you love me and thats enough for me.