Selling Garage Sale 📦

Bump! 🌸

Sorry for not listing a price on the Old Egg, I don't know what it's worth but I trust ya'll to make a fair offer.
hello! how many unpurchased sakuras are you looking for?
I'm just hoping to get one to go after my Aurora egg (currently visible in my lineup, already purchased Sakura from after that egg time would be fine too!)
I'm just hoping to get one to go after my Aurora egg (currently visible in my lineup, already purchased Sakura from after that egg time would be fine too!)
may i trade an unpurchased sakura for a zipper sakura? O:
may i trade an unpurchased sakura for a zipper sakura? O:
That sounds great to me! Any message for the Zipper Sakura? I'd love any spring related message if you could come up with one or just a sakura emoji 🌸 !
That sounds great to me! Any message for the Zipper Sakura? I'd love any spring related message if you could come up with one or just a sakura emoji 🌸 !
Ok! If you don't like the message feel free to send it back and I'll replace it with a sakura emoji!