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How bad was the grass wear in your town?


Yoshi's Islanders
Aug 17, 2013
Night Sky Scenery
Shooting Star
Celeste Chick Plush
Shooting Star
Night Sky Scenery
White Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Since we last had grass wear in New Leaf I’m wondering how bad it was in your town?

Mine was moderate. I did start using paths fairly early on and am afraid to look under them to be honest. Outside of paths though I still have some wear here and there but nothing terrible.
tbh I don't remember it being that bad! I never really placed down paths so I had a couple dirt paths in the areas I ran a bunch, and it would be a little annoying when a villager moved away and left a dirt patch, but I remember the grass would grow back pretty quickly! And it would encourage me to plant flowers around the dirt since they helped the grass grow :)
I was pretty careful in Feldspar, so grass wear was minimal. However, in my additional town, Flint, I wanted a natural forest/park look, so I laid down patterns where I wanted my paths and meticulously ran over those areas dozens of times a day for months. In the end I had these immaculate dirt pathways surrounded by trees, mushrooms, bamboo, flowers, etc. I think I was one of the few players who liked being able to utilize the grass wear to create natural looking paths. I kind of wish we could have the option of grass wear in NH (perhaps the Beautiful Town ordinance would cancel it out?)—the straight-edged dirt paths your character can create just aren’t the same; everything is so pristine.
I was pretty careful in Feldspar, so grass wear was minimal. However, in my additional town, Flint, I wanted a natural forest/park look, so I laid down patterns where I wanted my paths and meticulously ran over those areas dozens of times a day for months. In the end I had these immaculate dirt pathways surrounded by trees, mushrooms, bamboo, flowers, etc. I think I was one of the few players who liked being able to utilize the grass wear to create natural looking paths. I kind of wish we could have the option of grass wear in NH (perhaps the Beautiful Town ordinance would cancel it out?)—the straight-edged dirt paths your character can create just aren’t the same; everything is so pristine.
I agree! I kinda like the idea of grass wear to create natural paths, and maybe in the next game there can be a way to turn it off if you don't want it! It just feels kinda odd for New Horizons to have the grass be this uniform green color, having different colors and dirt sports made if feel more realistic!
It was bad enough that my siblings commented on it whenever they visited my town. I never really noticed. XD
Currently not bad at all due to town being carpeted with vegetation and having a set path system. Even when I was more active and played online a lot, it actually stayed under control.
It wasn't that bad at all tbh. I actually wanted worn down grass paths lol but I didn't play often enough to get them.
not at all. i'm very careful and never run plus my town is covered in flowers. i'd kick myself if i accidentally destroy them. there's nothing that requires me to rush anyways
I have a few muddy looking "desire paths" from the route I take around the village the most. But I use pattern paths tho, so it's not a problem.
I honestly cannot remember. I don't play consistently enough anymore for it to be super noticeable. I bet it was more obvious back when I played daily, but my memory of that is kinda faded.
What I do remember is I tried playing City Folk afterwards and the grass wear was so much worse in that game!
Just a bit of wear in my usual walking spots, but nothing I'd have to go out of my way to avoid to re-grow.
it wasn't too bad. i had some main paths that wore away but it was never a full path. just little patches here and there.
I didn’t even realize there was grass wear in new leaf, then again I just got back into playing more regularly