If you could go back to a time when one of the games was new and play it again/for the first time which game would you pick?


Yoshi's Islanders
Aug 17, 2013
Night Sky Scenery
Shooting Star
Celeste Chick Plush
Shooting Star
Night Sky Scenery
White Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment

I’d pick the original AC game as I didn’t get it until just a year or two ago. I really like it but I know I would have gotten more out of it back in the day if I’d had a GameCube. I wonder what the hype would have been like for the beginning of a brand new series….
Same, because then thered be a likely chance other people would actually move to my town because they wanted to :) like i have 3 empty houses in all three of my towns! Also bc i like the original :)
I’d go back and play GNC or Wild World. I was around for both of them, but the magic and the excitement that I felt when I played them for the first time was really special. It would be nice to experience that again.
The GameCube one. I would love to experience that... I didn't own any video game consoles back then or even know it existed.
The GameCube one. I would love to experience that... I didn't own any video game consoles back then or even know it existed.
Precisely this! The problem is I was just born when the Game Cube was released in Europe, and the European version of the first Animal Crossing came out in 2004, so I was only 2 years old. I played some SNES games, but then for some absurd reason my father gave the console to a friend of his (just like he got rid of my Nintendo DS lite because he thought it was broken, I'm pretty convinced all that was needed was to change the battery).
Anyway, it would have been wonderful to play the first AC on GameCube around 5-6 years old, but well, it wasn't the GambeCube but it was my brother's Nintendo DS Lite with Animal Crossing Wild World, the beginning of a lasting love❤️
But really, I think the first Animal Crossing is much more fun and cooler, I watched many gameplays on YouTube!
I was born way after the first AC game was released, so I can't pick that game. If anything, I'd like to revisit ACNH when it was just released. It was crazy popular during the pandemic and I wanted to join in, but I didn't have a Switch at the time. 4 years later and I finally got to play, albeit pretty late.
I think I would actually pick New Leaf. Wild World is so linked to my childhood that I think I’d rather leave it in my memory, and New Horizons is so recent. But it’d be so fun to go back and re-experience New Leaf and be more active on this forum, participate in events, etc. Soooo many cool collectibles I missed because I had no idea what they were for the first like six years of my time on TBT, sigh.
This is such an interesting question!

I’d love to be able to go back and play all of the mainline games I’ve played (WW, NL and NH) for the first time again, but if I could only choose one, I think I’d go with New Leaf! I was 11-years-old when it released in NA, and I was lucky enough to not only be able to get it on release day, but to also have the day off school that day, and had a whole 3-day weekend to play! I honestly don’t remember much of my first day with NL beyond that, but I remember the months I spent counting down the days to June 9th, 2013! I watched all of the trailers multiple times, watching over and over to find any new details I somehow missed the previous times. I made several different dreamies lists, lists of potential town and character names. I watched gameplay videos of the Japanese version, my favourites to watch being from TheBitBlock and LinandKo! I did anything and everything I could to pass the time more quickly until I could finally play the game myself.

I had so much fun with New Leaf, and have so many cherished memories from my 4 years of playing. It’s still my favourite AC game to this day! The New Leaf era in general also represents a much simpler period of my life, and I’d love to go back to that. There isn’t much that I would change from my time with New Leaf (except choosing different character/town names and maybe caring a little more about decorating and house/pwp placements), but I’d love to experience New Leaf for the first time again. I’d also love to have been on TBT for New Leaf’s release, and do all of my trading on here instead of starting with GameFAQS.