is it worth leveling my island?


Senior Member
May 8, 2019
Orange (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
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June Birthstone (Pearl)
i want to hold onto my villagers, money, progress, etc, but i'm feeling pretty stagnant with my island. ive already leveled/cleared it and restarted once before, and it was definitely worth it. but this far later is fear that if i level it i won't have the motivation to make it look great again. have any of you hesitated to start over? did it revive your interest in the game or was it discouraging? :)
ooh, yeah... i did that once. ended up starting completely over with a new island haha. i didn't have it in me to rebuild my entire island from the ground up. good luck with it, though! it seems like you've done it before, so i bet you've got it in you to do it again.
Leveling, yes! Restarting, I share the island, so can't reset. But I'm able to level, which I have done. Several times.

Usually, I'll move all the house to the beach or to one corner of the island, flatten it all, then start building again. I plan to do this again soon, lol...
I couldn't restart I would feel so sad loosing all the items and things I have unlocked or collected.

I find keeping the same island but completely remodelling it or giving it a new theme helps me not want to restart.
I thought about restarting my main island but didn’t want to lose everything so instead I bought a second switch and loved starting over. On my second switch I am on my third island and each time I had restarted I hesitated. It’s easier when you have two islands and can get things back easier. I also saved some items like photos and event items that I collected over the year of having the island. I just moved them over to my main island. Each time I have restarted I have had so much fun. I love the beginning of the game and seeing who randomly appears on my island. Also it’s nice to make different themes. I am pretty set in my villagers for my main island so it’s nice getting to see different villagers.