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Do You Feel Like Your Age?


Jan 14, 2022
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Black Hybrid Rose
Purple Hybrid Rose
White Rose
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Blue Balloon
Purple Balloon
Pink Balloon
Corrupted Rainbow Candy
Rainbow Candy
2024 edit: I made this thread when I was 15 and I think my post was pretty dumb. Here's a revised version. 😅

In a way, I feel like I'm a bit younger compared to my peers, and older in other ways. So, it's a bit of both. Some of my interests are more "childish" (such as Nintendo games and childhood book series), but my tastes in music and TV shows are more on the mature side.

Now that my answer is vastly different from 2022, I'm not sure how to answer my own question. XD I guess I also feel more "mature" than some of my peers, but not more than anyone else older than me. I don't know, really.
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Well, I’m 24. I can’t say whether or not I feel my age. I feel like I’m at the right age. I actually play mainly XBOX, and my favorite game genre is sports. I play hockey competitively, although, I consider myself better at Madden (football), which is a bit surprising considering I’m a way bigger fan of hockey.

I don’t read. I honestly prefer experience over knowledge, which is one of the reasons why I travel a lot. If it means anything, I prefer to talk with people over the age of 21. I feel that most people under that threshold are immature. I do have a few friends that are 18, but not any younger than that. With that said, the people I get along with most do happen to be older than me. One of my close friends is 31 and we play Pokémon together. I guess you could say we’re both childish in that way, but she’s mature in the mind.

I didn’t get along with anybody in my school. It had less to do with age and more with the fact that I knew, in high school, that I wanted to work and travel. I didn’t want to go to college. My plans are going very well. I stay somewhere for a few months not tied down to a job, travel a bit, have the option to come back or go somewhere else. It’s a free lifestyle. I really feel you about the school thing, though…
Nope, never have and never will. When I was younger I felt a lot more mature than people my age, and now that I'm older I still feel that way, but my interests are definitely on the younger side, lol.
I feel like... 18 on most days.

Actually, I'm been living my life backwards. When I was actually 18, I was dead serious, very cynical, super un-fun to be around. No hobbies other than reading and listening to the radio. Now, though, I'm reading manga, watching anime, playing videogames, listening to loud rock music. My walls are plastered with anime posters. My bookshelves are full of art books and figures. I own anime shirts. I cannot walk past gacha machines without stopping to see what I want. I swear more, I laugh more, I cry more. I'm going to be 58 in 3 months.

Feel my age? Only my body does. My mind... has a mind of its own. 🤪
No not really. I’ve kinda feel maybe younger or so. Hard to say. I see people my age more accomplished and successful and it kinda baffles me. I might not be mature enough potentially to do such things, and I hate a lot of adult things, tho I do see people online that too feel the same. I had people in the past say I look young for my age.
Physically and mentally, I feel older than my actual age. When I was younger, I was generally more serious and mature than my peers. Most of my friends were a few years older than me and I even preferred the company of some teachers when I was in high school. As I turned middle age, I started to feel really old. My dad frequently told me I was like a little old lady when I was only in my 30's.

I have a wide range of interests, though, and many of them are considered to be more childish by some. I will always love stuffed animals, dolls, cartoons, anime, and video games. I feel like I can connect with people of any age because of my interests, whether they are younger or older. However, now that I am middle age, I am very much aware of the age difference and try to keep interactions with those who are significantly younger respectably distant so as not to come off as creepy.
I feel a lot younger than I am and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon...
I feel more like... 21, if that's not too overly specific. I maintain that the last two years shouldn't count, everybody can just subtract two off their age if they want to. I'm still trying to get my stuff together, and god knows I feel like a mess sometimes, but I'm trying to remember not to rush myself either, and that it's okay to grow at your own pace. Fast growth isn't always a good thing.
In terms of hobbies, my interests are mainly nerdy, which I know might be considered "childish" by some, but eh, it's what makes me happy. Getting older doesn't mean you have to give up on the things you love, and plus, it can be hard to fully pursue/enjoy your interests as a kid. There was a lot going on in my personal life through my teens and a little into my twenties that I won't get into, and I didn't often have the time or energy for these things back then, so I'm making sure to embrace them fully now.
Absolutely not. The fact that I'm approaching 30 is just scary to me, especially that I'm not married, have no kids and no house. I genuinely feel like I'm in my early 20s still and it doesn't help that I look around 19 according to literally everyone around me.
I would say I definitely feel older than I am. It’s always been like that, ever since I was a kid. Might have to do with my sister who is 16 years older than me. I barely have any friends my age, it’s mostly people that are 10-30 years older. xD
I'm 27 and turn 28 in June. I still feel like I'm in my early 20's, it's honestly hard to believe in a couple years I'll be 30. All my friends from high school are married, have kids, etc. And I'm just here living in my apartment by myself playing Pokémon and other videogames, watching anime, etc similar stuff I did when I was a teenager. I think I'll always feel younger than I really am, I feel like a kid at heart. I will probably be the same when I'm 60 years old to be honest.
Yes but no. I just turned 26 and the number sounds older than I think I feel initially but when I hear the things people younger than me say it makes me feel old.

For example I’ve seen teens say things like “as a kid I grew up with having a 3DS and my first Pokemon game was X/Y”. Meanwhile I grew up with the Gameboy Advance and DS and my first Pokemon game was Emerald which released in 2005 compared to X/Y which released in 2013. 😳 Also people born in 2002 are 20 now!? Holy smokes I remember that year and it doesn’t feel like 20 years ago. I also feel like I only finished high school just a couple years ago but after I start counting on my fingers I realize it was nearly 8 years ago and just 😳.

On the flip side though I also feel younger than most people my age. For example many people I know or at least used to know are already engaged/married etc. and several even already have kids. That just blows my mind. Yes everyone moves at their own pace and it’s fine to be at somewhere different from most people your age but it still makes you feel younger. I only just moved out of my parents place officially last year when I was 25 which I’m proud of but many other people the same age or even a bit younger seem to have been doing it for much longer than me. I’ve also been single for a lot of my life up until a little over a year ago which didn’t really help either. I know there are other people in a similar place as me too, but those much “further” ahead really do stand out and make me feel younger than I am.
I'm 30 and I feel 30. But I live in a society that actually cares about age hierarchy (which is completely stupid imo) so I'm just constantly being reminded or referred to as being older since I have a lot of younger friends. I also don't really think hobbies or interests have anything to do with age, and I'll probably still be an avid gamer well into my senior years, so that doesn't have an impact on me feeling younger or older. Physically, I can totally feel the difference between my 20s and 30s though. My body aches more after doing minor tasks and my skin feels drier. I also can't eat meat as well as I could before because I get bloated easily now. That's probably more of a testament to my unhealthy lifestyle though, since my habits haven't changed much since my mid 20s lol.
I feel like myself. Honestly I never considered myself younger or older than I am. I just go for things. If I see something I think I will like, I do it. If I don't like it, I don't do it...unless I got to for whatever reason. Then I just deal with it.
I’ve always felt several years older than I actually am. When I was a teen I felt like I was in my early twenties and now I feel around 25. People have always said I act mature for my age, so maybe there’s something to that.
yes and no. in some ways, i feel my age because i’m able to legally smoke and drink now, i don’t need permission to go out, i manage and hold all of my own personal info and assets, etc. however, i feel younger in some ways because my life looks exactly the same as it did when i was 17; i’m still in school, i still live with my parents, i still have no job, i still virtually know no one, etc. in some ways i feel older because i, uh… bloomed very early (elementary school), so i always looked so much older than everyone else, to the point that people at school often thought i was a teacher rather than a fellow student. i wouldn’t say i look too much older nowadays, but i’m still always paranoid that i do. it’s not as fun as some people chalk it up to be lol.
I feel like... 18 on most days.

Actually, I'm been living my life backwards. When I was actually 18, I was dead serious, very cynical, super un-fun to be around. No hobbies other than reading and listening to the radio. Now, though, I'm reading manga, watching anime, playing videogames, listening to loud rock music. My walls are plastered with anime posters. My bookshelves are full of art books and figures. I own anime shirts. I cannot walk past gacha machines without stopping to see what I want. I swear more, I laugh more, I cry more. I'm going to be 58 in 3 months.

Feel my age? Only my body does. My mind... has a mind of its own. 🤪
I think most of us get to this point at some time. I know I used to be so focused and think your career is everything, because that's what society and family/people around me tried hammering in everyone's head. And now I just don't care. I have a job that has good hours, good enough pay for me to live comfortably, and that's all that matters to me. I'd rather spend my life enjoying myself and less about grinding myself to dust for some corporation that doesn't give two craps about me.

I restore antiques, make stuff out of wood/materials, grow huge vegetable and fruit gardens, draw, write, and so much more and I enjoy it all. People will always be like how does this benefit work or you could sell this stuff and make more money! And I'm like, I don't care, I just want to do it cause it's fun and they just don't get that mentality lol.