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Do you talk to yourself?


Senior Member
May 28, 2021
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Sweet Balloon
Yellow Balloon
I hear of many people that do.

I don't talk to myself, but I have a constant monologue in my head. I talk to my pets frequently tho.
Oh, all the time. I think part of it is triggered by my BPD. I know talking to yourself isn't a symptom of it, but I think my reasoning behind talking to myself sometimes is a trigger.
I do. I'll even answer my own questions.
It happens more often if I'm concentrating, excited, or frustrated.
No idea if it is common, quirky, or even healthy.. it just is what it is. I don't give it much thought.
I do a lot. For me it was something I grew up around. My grandparents did it, my parents did it, and I started doing it too. I didn't even think about it being something not everyone did until I got to college and started living with friends who didn't.
All the time. My mind is always racing along with hundreds of random and unrelated thoughts all trying to make themselves heard at the exact same time, and I've found that talking to myself is by far the easiest way to focus on whatever particular thought I actually want to follow without it getting drowned out by the rest.
Kind of. I don't talk to myself out loud often (scared of people hearing it and judging me for it), but I do have "inner monologues" all the time. There's always something I'm thinking about.
I don't talk to myself out loud. I do have an inner monologue in my head though, like most people.
I do both. My inner monologue is a thing, it can be very chatty at times and I talk to myself, it helps a lot when trying to sort / think something out. However I do try too keep it on the low side.

I believe talking to yourself only becomes a problem if you're hallucinating or something.
All the time... :v Mostly in my head but frequently out loud. I don't usually think out loud when I'm around others but when I'm by myself, especially in the car or house alone, I talk out loud on purpose to amuse myself. And to again confirm that I cannot sing like Mariah Carey 😆
Yes. All the dang time. Sometimes I do it unintentionally. I try to stop it whenever I catch myself doing it. Especially at work because our office space is small.
If its real life no, as i honestly rather do what depeche mode does and enjoy the silence lol but if its online then techincally yes, because it just feels like that all the time especially since social media can feel all so 1 dimensional and no real form of meaningful connections to it so i'd say it is like talking to yourself or in a worse case scenario like talking to a brick wall you have to walk away from lol.
Sometimes I do! If I'm trying to focus on my thoughts while doing a more complicated task or if my head is feeling really muddled it can help me remember - I'll mutter to myself in the grocery store what I'm looking for sometimes since grocery shopping can make me anxious.

Or if I'm trying to remember specific colours (ie: I'm filling up two cups at work I'll say blue cup is for Mary red cup is for John!) I'll say them out loud a few times.

Sometimes I'll narrate what I'm doing for my cat because I'm so used to doing that at work with my little ones!

I do also hum a lot, I think as a nervous thing. I'll do it when I'm checking out at the grocery store lol so I try to be mindful of the volume and also what I'm humming because I tend to gravitate towards Christmas songs lol
literally all the time lol, and I genuinely believe that most people would think I'm crazy for it 😂 but I've always done that, ever since I was a kid. I find it's much easier to process my thoughts and feelings when I can transfer them to something more comprehensible, like writing on paper or speaking out loud. my thoughts are too abstract to be left in my head to ruminate haha.

and no, I'm not embarrassed abt it or anything. I do try to not do it when I'm at work just because I don't want to disrupt others' work, but if someone catches me talking to myself I'm not at all embarrassed to admit it.
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I do also hum a lot, I think as a nervous thing. I'll do it when I'm checking out at the grocery store lol so I try to be mindful of the volume and also what I'm humming because I tend to gravitate towards Christmas songs lol
humming is a stim for me so I hum a lot, even at work. I like to think if it bothered someone then they could say something about it (politely, I should add), but I think most people don't mind.