How long do you spend playing each day?

I don't play every day, but the daily activities I participate in when I play are:

- Get the 300 daily Nook Miles from the kiosk in the Resident Services building for all 8 of my player characters.
- Check Nook's Cranny and the Able Sisters' shop and buy whatever furniture, wallpaper, flooring, clothing, shoes, etc. that I still need for my catalog
- Not necessarily something I do each day, but I try to talk to all of the animal villagers each day at least once so that they don't start doing the "Where have you been?" dialogue.
- Currently, I've been trying to woo Kabuki and Diva to earn their photos since I'm planning to replace them, so I give them a daily wrapped present of a stack of coconuts.
- Dig up fossils and get them analyzed by Blathers.
- Engage with whatever special visitor might be visiting the island (Redd, Flick, C.J., etc.) if I care enough to.

As for how long, I don't feel there's a specific amount of time. Sometimes there might not be any clothes I want or anything going on and I could just go for like twenty minutes or less. Other times maybe I'll play for an hour or a couple hours. Depends on how I'm feeling at the time.
I'm currently trying to complete the "Smile Isle" nook mile stamp page, so my play time is like 5-15 mintutes 1-8 times a day with at least 1 hour gap in between. An "efficient" thing I do is just spam talking to villagers till one them give me a request haha
Between 45 minutes and 8 hours.
It really does depend on my mood.
But I guess 2 hours a day average
Since I don't want to ruin the immersion with time-traveling, I'll probably just play 30-45 minutes per day doing daily tasks. lol I'm not a fan of grinding to be honest.
It all really depends on what I'm doing throughout the week and each day. If I'm super busy, then I will only play for 30 minutes at the most. If i'm not doing much, I can spend up to 3 hours playing. I still have a lot of work to do on my new island, so there is still heaps to keep me occupied.

If I get burnt out, or am more interested in another game, I hardly play for a couple of days.
I spend about probably four hours total lately playing, but it’s split up throughout the day into about 1/2 hours in the morning, some time in the afternoon and usually some time at night. Since I just restarted I’m playing a lot more than normal but I’m sure it’ll slow down once I keep going, that’s what happened last time. I like to talk to al lathe villagers, do some nook miles stuff, and catch some fish and bugs. If I have time I’ll shake the trees
normally i can stay on for 7 minutes then log off but if im decorating something i can stay on for 2+ or for the rest of the day… like yesterday
for me, it varies day by day tbh. on days where i’m trying to catch up to present time after taking a break or where i’m trying to tt out a villager/island hop for a new villager, my playtime is always 3+ hours. but on days where all i do are daily tasks (talk to my villagers, complete some daily nm achievements, etc), i typically don’t spend more than 2-3 hours playing. this’ll likely change when i regain my motivation for decorating my island and houses, though. : )
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Anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 or 3 hours, not everyday. I still have a lot to do on my island, I'm still trying to complete my catalog, get all the DIY, complete the art, fish, and bug parts of the museum, etc.
I am on holidays at the moment so I'm not playing as much but usually about 2-3 hours a day. But Halloween is coming up and I have told my irl friends to play as the new spooky stuff comes out then.
i don't play everyday (or hardly ever recently except for events and trades), but whenever i do start it up its usually anywhere from at least 30 mins to an hour max.
I would say maybe a hour I visit my villages look in the shop trying to finish the nook mile stuff
It takes me about 15-30 minutes to do my basic routine, depending on the time of day. Recently, I haven’t been logging on until late, so all of the stores are closed and there’s less to do.

I usually log on, check my Nook Miles streak, water my pumpkin patch, and pick pumpkins and fruit to sell. If there’s a Nook Miles reward for fossils or if the store is open and I can sell them, I’ll check those. I’ll say hi to some villagers, and maybe run around a bit.

If I have extra time, I like to work on a project/small area of my island. Right now, I want to come up with something autumnal, but I’m not sure what to do yet. Once I come up with an idea I like, I’ll probably spend more time on that.
Most days it's probably around 30 minutes to an hour since I'm just giving gifts, checking the daily npcs, and catching some bugs/fish.

If I plan on decorating indoor or outdoor, it can be from 1-4 hours depending on if I have a clear plan or not.

I used to average 3-5 hours a day because I used to trade a lot for items or diys but I dont need to do that anymore.
I'd say about an hour a day. More when I meet or invite people, but I rarely do. I'm still in my first year so I try to do daily stuff and collect diy recipes. I don't spend much time terraforming, because it's just not as much fun as I thought it would be and this game just doesn't get me into it like WW and NL did, sadly. I could play those for hours.
When I'm not busy with my giveaways, if I feel up for it, I'll make a little progress for an hour on the redecorating and layout rearrangement of my island, perhaps building a bridge here, moving a villager home there, etc. I didn't really make much headway until recently, when I've finally played long enough and had enough time to build new bridges instead of using that yardstick all the time. I've also finally managed to relocate my museum, Able Sisters and Nook's Cranny near the central area where the Resident Services building resides (instead of being tucked away in some god-forsaken corner of the island where nobody would bother to visit... except spirits like Wisp).

It's a slow progress, but it's ensured that I would have something new to do everyday. There's always some villager home I either haven't relocated to an ideal spot yet, or maybe I haven't gifted a villager the sufficient furniture I would like to see in their home, or maybe the villager's front yard is too small or too blend and needs more decorations (like a pool and a barbecue and a color gnome that matches the villager's color).

In spite of what I said the last time I was here in this thread, I've become more accustomed to time-traveling now as a way to rearrange my buildings quickly. Do I find it to be immersion-breaking? Yes, but... sometimes, a building being in the wrong place can be a real eyesore. With the way my island is themed after the classic American suburbs with posh high society architecture, architectural symmetry and proper positioning of the structures and decorations are very important, so there have been more than a few times when I would rearrange decorations or buildings around four or five times just to get the correct 'feel.' And besides, with how often I do giveaways, I don't really like the idea of visitors coming to a messy and ugly island during trades.

But most of the time, even these days, I'd only devote an hour or two and then procrastinate with something else (see my user title :p ). I haven't really completed daily tasks for a long time, in fact. Haven't dived for sea creatures for even longer. Will probably try to do more of that in the future. I guess I've just been so busy with helping others get free items/villagers these days I kinda forgot to just relax a little and enjoy a little chill-time with my fellow beloved villagers. :)
It depends! Some days I stop by for 10-15 minutes, and others I spend the entire day. It really depends on what I want to do in the game that day, whether it be decorating or just saying hi to my villagers