What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

So far I've paid off my first debt, donated enough fish/insects for Blathers to come tomorrow. I've also crafted a number of items like a leaf umbrella, crafting table and a mirror.

Also I'm really happy I caught the first wasp I encountered.

Also the first item that fell out of a tree for me was one quarter of the boxing/wrestling ring item. It seems you can lie on it like a bed! (don't know if that was already a thing in New Leaf, I just thought it was cool)
Paid off my first debt, got nook miles+, waiting for Blathers to arrive tomorrow, I have about 28,000 bells now...almost another 5000 miles..and plenty of specimens for the museum tomorrow.
Gave enough fish and bugs to Blathers
Upgraded my tools to better tools
Crafted the jumping stick
Planted some flowers
Earned a lot of miles
- Paid off my moving fees
- Set up Blathers tent
- Picked off about 50% off total weeds
- Successfully ignored Frita
Paid off my 98,000 loan
Taken out by three Tarantula but managed to catch a fourth one by a fluke
Invited Vesta and Maddie to live on my island
Once I finally got the building color I want, I established the town, got drunk around the campfire with the villagers, and almost paid off my miles before falling asleep LOL. So close. But now I've paid it off, and will get my house tomorrow! Also donated 5 things so i could get Blathers today. About to craft the shovel and pole, as well as trade fruit with a friend!

...Once my Switch is charged again lol
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Paid off the tent and got the house
Put down Blathers tent
Got the pocket expansion & tool wheel
100 successful fishing in a row achievement
Got the advanced tool recipes via Nook Miles
Bought some pocket camp furniture
Got pop hairstyles

This game is so much fun, looking forward to day 2.
On day one I...

  • Put down Blathers tent
  • Paid off tent and upgraded to house
  • Earned a total of 10,000 nook miles
  • Bought the cool hair styles and found a bottle to craft a mirror (!)
  • Weeded all the weeds I was able to access
  • Harvested all fruit I was able to access
  • Talked to my two villagers
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I broke all my rocks without harvesting everything I needed. :mad:

I paid off everything, upgraded to a house, got Blather's tent lot set, got the 'better tools' and 'tool ring' upgrades, and I'll be continuing to fish, catch bugs, and pick fruit later today!
I think I've accomplished as much as I can for the island of Pokán today!

  • Paid off my loan, new house tomorrow!
  • Blathers inbound, with a collection of critters placed around his future site for me to pick back up and donate...
  • Better tools, and the tool ring!
  • Starting now to work towards bigger inventory space, but it's a lotta miles away. :(
I picked allllll the weeds, planted some trees, visited another island and invited Tia to move in, shook all the trees multiple times, got Gulliver, donated enough to Blathers and waiting on the museum upgrade and currently just waiting on rocks to get iron because I used up all my nook miles upgrading my pockets and that tool ring and a few other things. I also paid off my tent and put 30K towards paying off my first house upgrade. I work third shift so I was able to start playing right away and just grinded away all night lol
Ooh, I did lots!

Placed Blathers' tent
Paid off moving fee
Ordered house
Got tool ring
Expanded inventory space
Went on two island excursions
Bumped into my boy Beau walking in nature and invited him to move in
Hoarded the fruit and flowers collected from the islands, patiently waiting for a shovel to plant everything ;)
- paid off my first loan with nook miles
- put down blathers tent
- caught 100+ fish and found a lot of new species to save for museum
- stocked up on sticks and wood
- got the tool wheel
- got better tools (which i unfortunely cant use until tomorrow because i'm on day 1 haha)
Here's what we did on Shione Island today!

3/20 (Opening day!)
• Set up everyone's tents!
• Did some SERIOUS weeding (402 weeds!)
• Spent about 30 minutes trying to come up with the island's name... (Why Shione? Well, I've been working on characters for a graphic novel I want to make, and three of my characters come from a region I named Shione, two of which were my favorite coming up with. That, and I'm really bad at picking names ': D )
• Celebrated moving in!
• Gathered some shells!
• Made some tools, furniture, and an umbrella.
• Caught some bugs and fish!
• Planted lots of flowers!
• Was stupid, and got stung by wasps...
• Set up a space for Blathers.
• Paid off my loan, and started house construction! (I picked a black roof)
• Placed orders for furniture and clothes!
• Ran around completing Nook Milage offers until I ran out of things to do today.

Hoping for more progress and fun tomorrow!
today i made my island! so far i've managed to...

o pop many balloons
o pick all of the weeds in the area i can
o catch 74 fish and 89 bugs so far! hoping to make it to 100 for each before the end of the day
o planted some flowers, hoping to get some hybrids from them in the future
o helped pashmina and peck place their tents! we're all living close together near the town hall for the time being
o re-purposed some old boots i fished up into some new boots, i like them a lot! i think i'll wear them for a while
o made my first design, it's nothing special but its a start!
o bought the tool ring, an inventory upgrade, and all of the diys i could including the better tools upgrade!
o faint from a tarantula! :(
o pay off my first loan using miles!! :D

i thought i might have to time travel past the first day, but i'm having a lot of fun! i'm super excited to see blathers tomorrow and make multiple trips to see him with my pockets full of insects and fish for him haha :D this game is amazing and i'm addicted to the miles program!
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I managed to get a hold of coconuts, bamboo, peaches, and I've saved 40,000 bells for my house upgrade. Also got the better tools. I've decided that I don't wan any outside help. I want to get everything on my own.
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Couldn't stop playing so also:

Upgraded all tools from flimsy to better
Traded for all foreign fruit
Saved enough to pay off tomorrow's house payment
Today I did everything I possibly could
- Welcomed Blathers into my island
- upgraded to a house and paid off my first bells payment so I'm expecting a bigger house tomorrow
- gave all the materials to Timmy and placed the Nook shop tent
- caught bugs and fish till my sturdy nets and rods broke 10 times over
- paid about 8,000 in nook miles to travel to the island 4 times
- invited Peaches and Puck to live on my island
- planted every single foreign fruit!
I finally hosted some people, got the museum and Nook's Cranny on the way, and crafted some furniture. :)
I caught a tarantula in the first hour that I played (midnight release). It was all a blur. I'm still shook.