• Join us for live Nintendo Trivia today at 6PM EDT in Discord as part of TBT's World Championship 2024 to win points for your team! if justin is awake

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  • Hello. :] I just saw your post about trading DJ KK for Bella. I'd be happy to trade with you if you're still interested. PM me if you are with your name and address and I'll give you mine in exchange; I'll let you know when I mail you the card too. :]
    Are you still looking for resetti? I posted on the thread about it but I saw the post was from yesterday.
    Please PM me your address by this upcoming Saturday if you would like to receive your free Muffy amiibo card!
    Hi, may I visit your town sometime? I sometimes keep my gates open.
    I'm kinda nervous about my test today.
    Hi! Chrissy is in boxes in my cycle town! Please go here and leave an offer if you're interested :)
    oh thats great! hopefully someone will help hold her when she decides to move! I would but I don't think I've gone thru 16 to hold her
    omg... I never had an error? but sorry about that? I will reopen for you to come pick up your bells again... sorry for delay i was eating dinner
    thank you so much! one more hour would be wonderful. I'll be hoping my villagers cooperate soon. There's 4 that could potentially leave. One of them has gotta volunteer soon!
    thank you :) and you're welcome! I would of held her for 2 days if I needed too! But thank you again!
    Just wanted to let you know that Willow is in boxes for your friend if I remember correctly! Just let me know the FC and when they are able to pick her up!
    Okay. It might take a bit since 9 of them are dreamies ;n; I've been working at it all morning though.
    Hi I tried pm you but your inbox is full
    Sorry I feel so bad I accidentally voided sparrow X(
    Really sorry I hope you forgive me ;^;
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