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  • I've been pretty busy, you caught me at a good time as I just got online.
    Hiatus, eh? Keep an eye on your account usernames, you shouldn't lose em like that!
    How was your day?
    Hi! Are you still interested in Whitney for 10 mil? If so, I can hold her until we're both available to play so don't worry about that :)
    Don't be sorry! It's good to hear from you. I haven't been able to get on as much as I'd like either, so no worries. I've never heard of Wajas, actually. What sort of game is it? I honestly don't know a lot about video games beyond GameBoy Color/Advance and DS/3DS.
    Hi again, I'm going to have to give Marshal away to anyone else who wants him if either you or the 2nd person doesn't respond for him unfortunately, since I'm trying to move villagers out asap. I'll be keeping him until 5 pm EST before I make an official thread and give him away, so lmk if u can pick him up before then!
    Hi, Marshal's in boxes if you're still interested! ^^ But I see u haven't been on for four days nw, so I might have to skip onto the next person in line for him after a few hours :(
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