• Join us for live Nintendo Trivia today at 6PM EDT in Discord as part of TBT's World Championship 2024 to win points for your team! if justin is awake

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  • I will have exactly 0 meow coupons after etoile ^^; I suppose Rilla will have to wait for another time! Btw I'm bringing Katie because she showed up today xD hope that's ok
    Oh! It's fine ^^ you can just scan another one! I'm sure I can find chai's things elsewhere :0
    Okay! I’ll let you know when I have your weeds :D
    Most likely will have them in one hour from now.
    I’m not going to be able to make it for 3PM EST. I’m still out and not with my 3DS.
    I will give further update when I can. But most likely it’ll have to be early morning for you again.
    Okay! I will VM you when I am available to let you come by and do the last weeding session.
    Maybe around 3PM EST, but I'm not sure.
    Thank you for your generosity! I got the payment just fine <3
    We can totally schedule another session of weeds. If I remember correctly, you need 2000 we do for the silver badge and 5000 weeds for the gold wedding badge. Definitely not tonight but tomorrow night is a possibility if you're up to it. Let me know what you think and what you're availability is. I may be on later tomorrow (which is earlier for you).
    Okay~ If you don't mind, could I have the payment for the first 1000 weeds of 100TBT? It's usually customary for payment to be paid after receiving a service. I will VM you once I gather the next session. Please do VM me if you decide that you need sleep after all :3
    That's good to know! I just got back and it will take me about an hour to set up another session of 1000 weeds. Are you sure that's what you want to do? I don't mind doing it, just that it is going to be really early for you. Let me know what you think.
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