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  • your signature is epic. how did u make that lol
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    Reactions: Hanif1807
    I made it using Adobe Animate with my imagination lol
    Ahh nice
    i have no imagination so *coUgh* i'll leave all the ~cool~ stuff to people like u lmao
    I'm korean-cambodian and I'm living in cambodia now! My best friend is Indonesian and I've been a few times with her :'D It's nice to see other SEAs here! I feel like I can count all of the ones I know on one hand :')
    Hello! :D
    I was wondering if you are still doing some art requests?
    I have a new character that I would love to get drawn from you. :3
    Aww. I didn't even know that you can play NL on emulator ahahaha... ;v; Thank you for replying though! And for friending with me. :D Poppy is such a cutie. I have her in my 2nd town too besides this Poppy I was talking about. Wishing for her visiting your camp agaiin!
    Hi :) Just happen to see your screenshot that involves Poppy in campsite! I've been having trouble with finding a new home for Poppy in my town and I don't want her go void. Would you be interested adopting her by any chance?
    Hi! I just wanted to say, you have such a cool signature very unique and eye-catching!

    I wanted to ask if it's fine for you that I use one of the avatars you drew for me as my Instagram profilpicture and if I could make a post about it ? And if yes, any account I could put the credit on? :)
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