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  • do you actually want to add me or were you just trying to steal my bels :think:
    ah i see it was just a good amount of snow?
    I gotta say having snowstorms is great well for me anyways cause its great seeing all that white snow and its all deep, just ah great winter part.
    also your welcome that a collectible will be coming to you one day like maybe on Christmas-Eve.
    I'm thinking on getting you another nice collectible for your profile look for a christmas gift, I'm just going to wait and see which collectible.
    I already got Pokeclasher a collectible but I got him another copy of the same collectible because he seems to like having another copy of the same collectible. Btw did you have any snowstorms yet? cause I did today and it was crazy and right now its still going on kinda and I'm going to play in the snow in a few min. I'm excited!
    That's okay
    I wouldn't have respond back in time anyways
    Also its time for me to start my birthday wishlist and christmas wishlist. Hope I get my amiibo reader this time.
    Hoi even I should be not on here in the middle of my EEG
    but I'll be ready sometime at night to goof around on Fortnite tomorrow
    oh okay and wow my internet became worst again
    and tomorrow I'm getting my EEG done and it will be three days, so I won't able to play on the switch. Welp this sucks with my internet and tomorrow I will be busy so maybe this Saturday i'll be active.
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