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  • sorry i closed it since ive been waiting for a while. ive remade the arena
    My time zone is PST. I'll free all day so I'll try to check here regularly
    Hey let me know when youre available to play our match. I'll be free this weekend
    Hey, you have a match to play with coney in the Smash tourney losers bracket. I let coney know too, hopefully you two can get a match going.
    OMGoodness, you gave me waaayyy too big of a tip! Would you like some of this back?
    Ah, I hope they're not doing maintenance. Let me close & reopen. Fingers crossed that this time works.
    Hmmm.... I know I entered your FC as soon as you asked for the masks. Let me close & open one more time.
    Hi! I have all 6 of your Halloween masks for you. Hopefully we'll catch each other on here either tonight or tomorrow. Thanks!
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