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  • Hey my friend, are you doing ok? I have not seen or heard from you in a while so I was wondering about you! I hope you are doing well and I hope to see you around here again in the near future! :D
    Hello my friend! :) Is there anything you would like for me to do today in your town as your hired consultant? :D
    I WILL NOT pay for in-game services or goods using TBT. I only will pay with in-game bells. It's been on all of my pages and posts, Please don't ask me to complete in-game goods or services for TBT.

    I will be contacting people to cancel orders based on my decision. If you're still interested in being paid with IGB, let me know.
    It's all good! I fortunately have good visual memory so I should be able to remember when I visit next time. :) Rest well and good night my friend! :D
    Hey, are you available at the moment? :) I know you wanted me to come to your town for feedback since I am your hired landscaping consultant and I was wondering if now would be a good time to do that. ;)
    ii wrote on your thread, you may not have seen it, bht im interested in 2 pics if you still have them.. ty

    Hey, I'm still available! We seem to be barely missing each other a lot! lol I was just redditing for a bit. :) Let me know when your gates are open and I will be on my way (I already added you)! :D
    Hey, I'm available now! :D If you don't mind, I can open my gates and let you visit my town while I take care of my dailies (since I haven't been able to get on today due to being busy). How does that sound to you? :)
    Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I am running behind at the moment unfortunately and I really apologize about that, but I hope to be done in a couple hours! Thank you for being so patient with me and I look forward to doing business with you soon! :D
    Awesome! :D I should be available in about 4 hours and I definitely would prefer to meet in-game so I can help convey ideas, etc. better! :)
    Hey, I apologize about missing your message! I unfortunately crashed early last night! :/ Hopefully, I will be available later today, let me know if that works/doesn't work for you! o/
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