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  • ;A; im glad you like it aaaaaa///// smooches
    and no you hadnt paid the other half so thank you <333
    fun fact, the idea spawned cause i was listening to zombies ate my neighbors, and i was like "bruh tho" and there it is HAHA
    I'm doing better now and thanks. Oh and I'm following you on twitter and I go by @itsjustchao.
    Yep you're right. And you might get to meet him again somewhere down the line again. What show did you see him in? :)
    Heya!! That's alright don't worry :D I hadn't seen the thread yet but wow I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! :3 I'm so glad you got a photo taken with him and managed to speak with him a little. Even if you didn't get to speak to him much, you'll be able to treasure the moment forever and ever with the picture. And that's surely something. I'm so glad. :) And no no, really I'm glad that you managed to see him!! You look adorable, btw!! :)
    ahh i need to clean it out (my apologies D;)
    alright total will be 325 c:
    i'm almost done! ill send a pm, lmk if there's anything i need to change/redo or if i did something wrong!'s fine. Julian is moving out and I dont want him to just leave so...i'll try to hold him. But Saturday's are usually the only time i'll have free time like this so I dunno what'll happen :(
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