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  • Yeah, I was late on Lucky! I still don't have bells enough, but I am still on the watch and I really appreciate you watching for me, too. You are so sweet! :)

    I've decided to try TT-ing again this week to nudge one of the Apples out for you... *crosses fingers*

    Alright, I'll be around for the next hour and then back again around 5 est
    Thanks :)
    Neat! Could you hold 16 items for me as I'm going hiking soon and won't be able to get them until later today. I understand if you can't but thanks for the opportunity :)
    Awesome! :D Glad to hear it. Okay, I'll add your FC when I get home and I'll message you on here when my gates are open. Looking forward to it!
    I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about the Gorgeous set! Will you be available in about five hours? So, 7:30pm GMT? I don't know what time that would be for you. ^_^
    Argh! Can you believe that another person is selling Lucky??? One of my 2 biggest dreamies in the Universe??? Well, I don't have many bells but I am grinding away on the Island to see if I get a shot. Plus, I think one of my towns has room.

    It would be a real kick in the teeth if I win him and then can't get him. I think I can, tho. Still, I'm expecting the vultures with millions of bells will descend soon! Ah, well...I will get him someday. I understand that people want bells. But cross your fingers for me. Maybe this gal (I forget her name) will give me a shot! :)

    And I don't mean you! I mean another thread. I gather you are needing bells, so no worries, there. I'll try to get him another way. I'm nothing if not patient. :)
    Are you around? Someone is giving Apple away! I told the person you want her...but you aren't online right now. I'm awaiting a response.

    But if you can't get her I'm still saving my Apple for you - if I can just get her to MOVE already!!! Argh! She's just maddening about that right now! >_<
    Of course, I'm more than happy to give it to you. :) It may have to be tomorrow, though, as I have another open space in my town and I can't risk picking anyone up from your void! But once it's filled, we'll arrange it. ^_^
    Oh man, I'm really sorry but I literally just managed to trade for her on another forum!! Thank you so much, though. Would you still like the gorgeous set for your trouble?
    I've TT'd a day at a time a few times and Apple still isn't moving yet. But, what is good is that my town is at its maximum because Jeremiah and Pietro moved in. I also stopped Lucy and Coach from moving. long can it be? It should be short, but Apple is still stubborn. She has to move SOMETIME, right??? *argh!* I'm at the game every day and I won't forget you. :) You are in my sig for having Apple. You'll get her! I just wish she'd hurry up and move. If someone cool comes to my Campsite I won't be able to ask them to move in because she's in the way. :p

    Yeah...I still hope for Lucky and Ankha some day. The coolest part now is that I have several copies of the game and I've reset two. No Apple or anyone great, but I have more chances of getting more villagers and when those two towns fill up there is a chance of getting someone good. I hope even Apple. I got Muffy twice and gave her away.

    You are my first friend on here. I wish things would go faster. :(
    I have another villager that I really wanted moving in, so if you want to hold onto her until tomorrow, I could still take her. c:
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